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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Copyright (C) 2007, 2008 Andrew Resch <> # # This file is part of Deluge and is licensed under GNU General Public License 3.0, or later, with # the additional special exception to link portions of this program with the OpenSSL library. # See LICENSE for more details. #
"""The torrent view component that lists all torrents in the session."""
import logging
import gobject import gtk import pygtk from twisted.internet import reactor
import deluge.component as component from deluge.ui.client import client from deluge.ui.gtkui import torrentview_data_funcs as funcs from deluge.ui.gtkui.listview import ListView from deluge.ui.gtkui.removetorrentdialog import RemoveTorrentDialog
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def queue_peer_seed_sort_function(v1, v2): if v1 == v2: return 0 if v2 < 0: return -1 if v1 < 0: return 1 if v1 > v2: return 1 if v2 > v1: return -1
def queue_column_sort(model, iter1, iter2, data): v1 = model[iter1][data] v2 = model[iter2][data] return queue_peer_seed_sort_function(v1, v2)
def eta_column_sort(model, iter1, iter2, data): v1 = model[iter1][data] v2 = model[iter2][data] if v1 == v2: return 0 if v1 == 0: return 1 if v2 == 0: return -1 if v1 > v2: return 1 if v2 > v1: return -1
def seed_peer_column_sort(model, iter1, iter2, data): v1 = model[iter1][data] # num seeds/peers v3 = model[iter2][data] # num seeds/peers if v1 == v3: v2 = model[iter1][data + 1] # total seeds/peers v4 = model[iter2][data + 1] # total seeds/peers return queue_peer_seed_sort_function(v2, v4) return queue_peer_seed_sort_function(v1, v3)
class SearchBox(object): def __init__(self, torrentview): self.torrentview = torrentview self.window = torrentview.window
self.visible = False self.search_pending = self.prefiltered = None
self.search_box = self.window.main_builder.get_object("search_box") self.search_torrents_entry = self.window.main_builder.get_object("search_torrents_entry") self.close_search_button = self.window.main_builder.get_object("close_search_button") self.match_search_button = self.window.main_builder.get_object("search_torrents_match") self.window.connect_signals(self)
def show(self): self.visible = True self.search_box.show_all() self.search_torrents_entry.grab_focus()
def hide(self): self.visible = False self.clear_search() self.search_box.hide_all() self.search_pending = self.prefiltered = None
def clear_search(self): if self.search_pending and self.search_pending.cancel()
if self.prefiltered: filter_column = self.torrentview.columns["filter"].column_indices[0] torrent_id_column = self.torrentview.columns["torrent_id"].column_indices[0] for row in self.torrentview.liststore: torrent_id = row[torrent_id_column]
if torrent_id in self.prefiltered: # Reset to previous filter state self.prefiltered.pop(self.prefiltered.index(torrent_id)) row[filter_column] = not row[filter_column]
self.prefiltered = None
self.search_torrents_entry.set_text("") if self.torrentview.filter and 'name' in self.torrentview.filter: self.torrentview.filter.pop('name', None) self.search_pending = reactor.callLater(0.5, self.torrentview.update)
def set_search_filter(self): if self.search_pending and self.search_pending.cancel()
if self.torrentview.filter and 'name' in self.torrentview.filter: self.torrentview.filter.pop('name', None)
elif self.torrentview.filter is None: self.torrentview.filter = {}
search_string = self.search_torrents_entry.get_text() if not search_string: self.clear_search() else: if self.match_search_button.get_active(): search_string += '::match' self.torrentview.filter['name'] = search_string self.prefilter_torrentview()
def prefilter_torrentview(self): filter_column = self.torrentview.columns["filter"].column_indices[0] torrent_id_column = self.torrentview.columns["torrent_id"].column_indices[0] torrent_name_column = self.torrentview.columns[_("Name")].column_indices[1]
match_case = self.match_search_button.get_active() if match_case: search_string = self.search_torrents_entry.get_text() else: search_string = self.search_torrents_entry.get_text().lower()
if self.prefiltered is None: self.prefiltered = []
for row in self.torrentview.liststore: torrent_id = row[torrent_id_column]
if torrent_id in self.prefiltered: # Reset to previous filter state self.prefiltered.pop(self.prefiltered.index(torrent_id)) row[filter_column] = not row[filter_column]
if not row[filter_column]: # Row is not visible(filtered out, but not by our filter), skip it continue
if match_case: torrent_name = row[torrent_name_column] else: torrent_name = row[torrent_name_column].lower()
if search_string in torrent_name and not row[filter_column]: row[filter_column] = True self.prefiltered.append(torrent_id) elif search_string not in torrent_name and row[filter_column]: row[filter_column] = False self.prefiltered.append(torrent_id)
def on_close_search_button_clicked(self, widget): self.hide()
def on_search_filter_toggle(self, widget): if self.visible: self.hide() else:
def on_search_torrents_match_toggled(self, widget): if self.search_torrents_entry.get_text(): self.set_search_filter() self.search_pending = reactor.callLater(0.7, self.torrentview.update)
def on_search_torrents_entry_icon_press(self, entry, icon, event): if icon != gtk.ENTRY_ICON_SECONDARY: return self.clear_search()
def on_search_torrents_entry_changed(self, widget): self.set_search_filter() self.search_pending = reactor.callLater(0.7, self.torrentview.update)
class TorrentView(ListView, component.Component): """TorrentView handles the listing of torrents.""" def __init__(self): component.Component.__init__(self, "TorrentView", interval=2, depend=["SessionProxy"]) self.window = component.get("MainWindow") # Call the ListView constructor ListView.__init__(self, self.window.main_builder.get_object("torrent_view"), "torrentview.state") log.debug("TorrentView Init..")
# If we have gotten the state yet self.got_state = False
# This is where status updates are put self.status = {}
# We keep a copy of the previous status to compare for changes self.prev_status = {}
# Register the columns menu with the listview so it gets updated accordingly. self.register_checklist_menu(self.window.main_builder.get_object("menu_columns"))
# Add the columns to the listview self.add_text_column("torrent_id", hidden=True, unique=True) self.add_bool_column("dirty", hidden=True) self.add_func_column("#", funcs.cell_data_queue, [int], status_field=["queue"], sort_func=queue_column_sort) self.add_texticon_column(_("Name"), status_field=["state", "name"], function=funcs.cell_data_statusicon, default_sort=True) self.add_func_column(_("Size"), funcs.cell_data_size, [gobject.TYPE_UINT64], status_field=["total_wanted"]) self.add_func_column(_("Downloaded"), funcs.cell_data_size, [gobject.TYPE_UINT64], status_field=["all_time_download"], default=False) self.add_func_column(_("Uploaded"), funcs.cell_data_size, [gobject.TYPE_UINT64], status_field=["total_uploaded"], default=False) self.add_func_column(_("Remaining"), funcs.cell_data_size, [gobject.TYPE_UINT64], status_field=["total_remaining"], default=False) self.add_progress_column(_("Progress"), status_field=["progress", "state"], col_types=[float, str], function=funcs.cell_data_progress) self.add_func_column(_("Seeds"), funcs.cell_data_peer, [int, int], status_field=["num_seeds", "total_seeds"], sort_func=seed_peer_column_sort, default=False) self.add_func_column(_("Peers"), funcs.cell_data_peer, [int, int], status_field=["num_peers", "total_peers"], sort_func=seed_peer_column_sort, default=False) self.add_func_column(_("Seeds:Peers"), funcs.cell_data_ratio_seeds_peers, [float], status_field=["seeds_peers_ratio"], default=False) self.add_func_column(_("Down Speed"), funcs.cell_data_speed_down, [float], status_field=["download_payload_rate"]) self.add_func_column(_("Up Speed"), funcs.cell_data_speed_up, [float], status_field=["upload_payload_rate"]) self.add_func_column(_("Down Limit"), funcs.cell_data_speed_limit_down, [float], status_field=["max_download_speed"], default=False) self.add_func_column(_("Up Limit"), funcs.cell_data_speed_limit_up, [float], status_field=["max_upload_speed"], default=False) self.add_func_column(_("ETA"), funcs.cell_data_time, [int], status_field=["eta"], sort_func=eta_column_sort) self.add_func_column(_("Ratio"), funcs.cell_data_ratio_ratio, [float], status_field=["ratio"], default=False) self.add_func_column(_("Avail"), funcs.cell_data_ratio_avail, [float], status_field=["distributed_copies"], default=False) self.add_func_column(_("Added"), funcs.cell_data_date, [float], status_field=["time_added"], default=False) self.add_func_column(_("Completed"), funcs.cell_data_date, [float], status_field=["completed_time"], default=False) self.add_func_column(_("Complete Seen"), funcs.cell_data_date_or_never, [float], status_field=["last_seen_complete"], default=False) self.add_texticon_column(_("Tracker"), function=funcs.cell_data_trackericon, status_field=["tracker_host", "tracker_host"], default=False) self.add_text_column(_("Download Folder"), status_field=["download_location"], default=False) self.add_text_column(_("Owner"), status_field=["owner"], default=False) self.add_bool_column(_("Shared"), status_field=["shared"], default=False, tooltip=_("Torrent is shared between other Deluge users or not.")) self.restore_columns_order_from_state()
# Set filter to None for now self.filter = None
# Connect Signals # # Connect to the 'button-press-event' to know when to bring up the # torrent menu popup. self.treeview.connect("button-press-event", self.on_button_press_event) # Connect to the 'key-press-event' to know when the bring up the # torrent menu popup via keypress. self.treeview.connect("key-release-event", self.on_key_press_event) # Connect to the 'changed' event of TreeViewSelection to get selection # changes. self.treeview.get_selection().connect("changed", self.on_selection_changed)
self.treeview.connect("drag-drop", self.on_drag_drop) self.treeview.connect("drag_data_received", self.on_drag_data_received) self.treeview.connect("key-press-event", self.on_key_press_event) self.treeview.connect("columns-changed", self.on_columns_changed_event)
client.register_event_handler("TorrentStateChangedEvent", self.on_torrentstatechanged_event) client.register_event_handler("TorrentAddedEvent", self.on_torrentadded_event) client.register_event_handler("TorrentRemovedEvent", self.on_torrentremoved_event) client.register_event_handler("SessionPausedEvent", self.on_sessionpaused_event) client.register_event_handler("SessionResumedEvent", self.on_sessionresumed_event) client.register_event_handler("TorrentQueueChangedEvent", self.on_torrentqueuechanged_event)
self.search_box = SearchBox(self) self.permanent_status_keys = ["owner"] self.columns_to_update = []
def start(self): """Start the torrentview""" # We need to get the core session state to know which torrents are in # the session so we can add them to our list. # Only get the status fields required for the visible columns status_fields = [] for listview_column in self.columns.values(): if listview_column.column.get_visible(): if not listview_column.status_field: continue status_fields.extend(listview_column.status_field) component.get("SessionProxy").get_torrents_status( {}, status_fields).addCallback(self._on_session_state)
def _on_session_state(self, state): self.add_rows(state) self.got_state = True # Update the view right away with our status self.status = state self.set_columns_to_update() self.update_view(load_new_list=True) self.select_first_row()
def stop(self): """Stops the torrentview""" # We need to clear the liststore self.treeview.get_selection().unselect_all() self.liststore.clear() self.prev_status = {} self.filter = None self.search_box.hide()
def shutdown(self): """Called when GtkUi is exiting""" if self.window.visible(): self.save_state()
def save_state(self): """ Saves the state of the torrent view. """ ListView.save_state(self, "torrentview.state")
def remove_column(self, header): """Removes the column with the name 'header' from the torrentview""" self.save_state() ListView.remove_column(self, header)
def set_filter(self, filter_dict): """ Sets filters for the torrentview..
see: core.get_torrents_status """ search_filter = self.filter and self.filter.get('name', None) or None self.filter = dict(filter_dict) # Copied version of filter_dict. if search_filter and 'name' not in filter_dict: self.filter['name'] = search_filter self.update(select_row=True)
def set_columns_to_update(self, columns=None): status_keys = [] self.columns_to_update = []
if columns is None: # We need to iterate through all columns columns = self.columns.keys()
# Iterate through supplied list of columns to update for column in columns: # Make sure column is visible and has 'status_field' set. # If not, we can ignore it. if self.columns[column].column.get_visible() is True \ and self.columns[column].hidden is False \ and self.columns[column].status_field is not None: for field in self.columns[column].status_field: status_keys.append(field) self.columns_to_update.append(column)
# Remove duplicates self.columns_to_update = list(set(self.columns_to_update)) status_keys = list(set(status_keys + self.permanent_status_keys)) return status_keys
def send_status_request(self, columns=None, select_row=False): # Store the 'status_fields' we need to send to core status_keys = self.set_columns_to_update(columns)
# If there is nothing in status_keys then we must not continue if status_keys is []: return
# Remove duplicates from status_key list status_keys = list(set(status_keys))
# Request the statuses for all these torrent_ids, this is async so we # will deal with the return in a signal callback. d = component.get("SessionProxy").get_torrents_status( self.filter, status_keys).addCallback(self._on_get_torrents_status) if select_row: d.addCallback(self.select_first_row)
def select_first_row(self, ignored=None): """ Set the first row in the list selected if a selection does not already exist """ rows = self.treeview.get_selection().get_selected_rows()[1] # Only select row if noe rows are selected if not rows: self.treeview.get_selection().select_path((0,))
def update(self, select_row=False): """ Sends a status request to core and updates the torrent list with the result.
:param select_row: if the first row in the list should be selected if no rows are already selected. :type select_row: boolean
""" if self.got_state: if self.search_box.search_pending is not None and # An update request is scheduled, let's wait for that one return # Send a status request gobject.idle_add(self.send_status_request, None, select_row)
def update_view(self, load_new_list=False): """Update the torrent view model with data we've received.""" filter_column = self.columns["filter"].column_indices[0] status = self.status
if not load_new_list: # Freeze notications while updating self.treeview.freeze_child_notify()
# Get the columns to update from one of the torrents if status: torrent_id = status.keys()[0] fields_to_update = [] for column in self.columns_to_update: column_index = self.get_column_index(column) for i, status_field in enumerate(self.columns[column].status_field): # Only use columns that the torrent has in the state if status_field in status[torrent_id]: fields_to_update.append((column_index[i], status_field))
for row in self.liststore: torrent_id = row[self.columns["torrent_id"].column_indices[0]] # We expect the torrent_id to be in status and prev_status, # as it will be as long as the list isn't changed by the user
torrent_id_in_status = False try: torrent_status = status[torrent_id] torrent_id_in_status = True if torrent_status == self.prev_status[torrent_id]: # The status dict is the same, so do nothing to update for this torrent continue except KeyError: pass
if not torrent_id_in_status: if row[filter_column] is True: row[filter_column] = False else: if row[filter_column] is False: row[filter_column] = True
# Find the fields to update to_update = [] for i, status_field in fields_to_update: row_value = status[torrent_id][status_field] if row[i] != row_value: to_update.append(i) to_update.append(row_value) # Update fields in the liststore if to_update: self.liststore.set(row.iter, *to_update)
if load_new_list: # Create the model filter. This sets the model for the treeview and enables sorting. self.create_model_filter() else: self.treeview.thaw_child_notify()
component.get("MenuBar").update_menu() self.prev_status = status
def _on_get_torrents_status(self, status, select_row=False): """Callback function for get_torrents_status(). 'status' should be a dictionary of {torrent_id: {key, value}}.""" self.status = status if self.search_box.prefiltered is not None: self.search_box.prefiltered = None
if self.status == self.prev_status and self.prev_status: # We do not bother updating since the status hasn't changed self.prev_status = self.status return self.update_view()
def add_rows(self, torrent_ids): """Accepts a list of torrent_ids to add to self.liststore""" torrent_id_column = self.columns["torrent_id"].column_indices[0] dirty_column = self.columns["dirty"].column_indices[0] filter_column = self.columns["filter"].column_indices[0] for torrent_id in torrent_ids: # Insert a new row to the liststore row = self.liststore.append() self.liststore.set(row, torrent_id_column, torrent_id, dirty_column, True, filter_column, True)
def remove_row(self, torrent_id): """Removes a row with torrent_id""" for row in self.liststore: if row[self.columns["torrent_id"].column_indices[0]] == torrent_id: self.liststore.remove(row.iter) # Force an update of the torrentview self.update() break
def mark_dirty(self, torrent_id=None): for row in self.liststore: if not torrent_id or row[self.columns["torrent_id"].column_indices[0]] == torrent_id: # log.debug("marking %s dirty", torrent_id) row[self.columns["dirty"].column_indices[0]] = True if torrent_id: break
def get_selected_torrent(self): """Returns a torrent_id or None. If multiple torrents are selected, it will return the torrent_id of the first one.""" selected = self.get_selected_torrents() if selected: return selected[0] else: return selected
def get_selected_torrents(self): """Returns a list of selected torrents or None""" torrent_ids = [] try: paths = self.treeview.get_selection().get_selected_rows()[1] except AttributeError: # paths is likely None .. so lets return [] return [] try: for path in paths: try: row = self.treeview.get_model().get_iter(path) except Exception as ex: log.debug("Unable to get iter from path: %s", ex) continue
child_row = self.treeview.get_model().convert_iter_to_child_iter(None, row) child_row = self.treeview.get_model().get_model().convert_iter_to_child_iter(child_row) if self.liststore.iter_is_valid(child_row): try: value = self.liststore.get_value(child_row, self.columns["torrent_id"].column_indices[0]) except Exception as ex: log.debug("Unable to get value from row: %s", ex) else: torrent_ids.append(value) if len(torrent_ids) == 0: return []
return torrent_ids except (ValueError, TypeError): return []
def get_torrent_status(self, torrent_id): """Returns data stored in self.status, it may not be complete""" try: return self.status[torrent_id] except: return {}
def get_visible_torrents(self): return self.status.keys()
# Callbacks # def on_button_press_event(self, widget, event): """This is a callback for showing the right-click context menu.""" log.debug("on_button_press_event") # We only care about right-clicks if event.button == 3: x, y = event.get_coords() path = self.treeview.get_path_at_pos(int(x), int(y)) if not path: return row = self.model_filter.get_iter(path[0])
if self.get_selected_torrents(): if self.model_filter.get_value(row, self.columns["torrent_id"].column_indices[0]) \ not in self.get_selected_torrents(): self.treeview.get_selection().unselect_all() self.treeview.get_selection().select_iter(row) else: self.treeview.get_selection().select_iter(row) torrentmenu = component.get("MenuBar").torrentmenu torrentmenu.popup(None, None, None, event.button, event.time) return True
def on_selection_changed(self, treeselection): """This callback is know when the selection has changed.""" log.debug("on_selection_changed") component.get("TorrentDetails").update() component.get("MenuBar").update_menu()
def on_drag_drop(self, widget, drag_context, x, y, timestamp): widget.stop_emission("drag-drop")
def on_drag_data_received(self, widget, drag_context, x, y, selection_data, info, timestamp): widget.stop_emission("drag_data_received")
def on_columns_changed_event(self, treeview): log.debug("Treeview Columns Changed") self.save_state()
def on_torrentadded_event(self, torrent_id, from_state): if not from_state: self.add_rows([torrent_id]) self.update()
def on_torrentremoved_event(self, torrent_id): self.remove_row(torrent_id)
def on_torrentstatechanged_event(self, torrent_id, state): # Update the torrents state for row in self.liststore: if not torrent_id == row[self.columns["torrent_id"].column_indices[0]]: continue
for name in self.columns_to_update: if not self.columns[name].status_field: continue for idx, status_field in enumerate(self.columns[name].status_field): # Update all columns that use the state field to current state if status_field != 'state': continue row[self.get_column_index(name)[idx]] = state
if self.filter.get('state', None) is not None: # We have a filter set, let's see if theres anything to hide # and remove from status if torrent_id in self.status and self.status[torrent_id]['state'] != state: row[self.columns["filter"].column_indices[0]] = False del self.status[torrent_id]
def on_sessionpaused_event(self): self.mark_dirty() self.update()
def on_sessionresumed_event(self): self.mark_dirty() self.update()
def on_torrentqueuechanged_event(self): self.mark_dirty() self.update()
# Handle keyboard shortcuts def on_key_press_event(self, widget, event): keyname = gtk.gdk.keyval_name(event.keyval) if keyname is not None: func = getattr(self, 'keypress_' + keyname.lower(), None) if func: return func(event)
def keypress_delete(self, event): log.debug("keypress_delete") torrents = self.get_selected_torrents() if torrents: if event.state & gtk.gdk.SHIFT_MASK: RemoveTorrentDialog(torrents, delete_files=True).run() else: RemoveTorrentDialog(torrents).run()
def keypress_menu(self, event): log.debug("keypress_menu") if not self.get_selected_torrent(): return
torrentmenu = component.get("MenuBar").torrentmenu torrentmenu.popup(None, None, None, 3, event.time) return True |