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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Copyright (C) 2007-2009 Andrew Resch <> # # This file is part of Deluge and is licensed under GNU General Public License 3.0, or later, with # the additional special exception to link portions of this program with the OpenSSL library. # See LICENSE for more details. #
import logging import os import sys import warnings
import gobject import gtk from twisted.internet import gtk2reactor reactor = gtk2reactor.install() # Install twisted reactor, before any other modules import reactor.
import deluge.common import deluge.component as component from deluge.configmanager import ConfigManager, get_config_dir from deluge.error import AuthenticationRequired, BadLoginError, DaemonRunningError from deluge.ui.client import client from deluge.ui.gtkui.addtorrentdialog import AddTorrentDialog from deluge.ui.gtkui.common import associate_magnet_links from deluge.ui.gtkui.dialogs import AuthenticationDialog, ErrorDialog, YesNoDialog from deluge.ui.gtkui.filtertreeview import FilterTreeView from deluge.ui.gtkui.ipcinterface import IPCInterface from deluge.ui.gtkui.mainwindow import MainWindow from deluge.ui.gtkui.menubar import MenuBar from deluge.ui.gtkui.pluginmanager import PluginManager from deluge.ui.gtkui.preferences import Preferences from deluge.ui.gtkui.queuedtorrents import QueuedTorrents from deluge.ui.gtkui.sidebar import SideBar from deluge.ui.gtkui.statusbar import StatusBar from deluge.ui.gtkui.systemtray import SystemTray from deluge.ui.gtkui.toolbar import ToolBar from deluge.ui.gtkui.torrentdetails import TorrentDetails from deluge.ui.gtkui.torrentview import TorrentView from deluge.ui.sessionproxy import SessionProxy from deluge.ui.tracker_icons import TrackerIcons from deluge.ui.ui import _UI
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
try: from setproctitle import setproctitle, getproctitle except ImportError: setproctitle = lambda t: None getproctitle = lambda: None
class Gtk(_UI):
help = """Starts the Deluge GTK+ interface"""
def __init__(self): super(Gtk, self).__init__("gtk")
def start(self): super(Gtk, self).start() GtkUI(self.args)
def start(): Gtk().start()
DEFAULT_PREFS = { "classic_mode": True, "interactive_add": True, "focus_add_dialog": True, "enable_system_tray": True, "close_to_tray": False, "start_in_tray": False, "enable_appindicator": False, "lock_tray": False, "tray_password": "", "check_new_releases": True, "default_load_path": None, "window_maximized": False, "window_x_pos": 0, "window_y_pos": 0, "window_width": 640, "window_height": 480, "pref_dialog_width": None, "pref_dialog_height": None, "window_pane_position": 235, "tray_download_speed_list": [5.0, 10.0, 30.0, 80.0, 300.0], "tray_upload_speed_list": [5.0, 10.0, 30.0, 80.0, 300.0], "connection_limit_list": [50, 100, 200, 300, 500], "enabled_plugins": [], "show_connection_manager_on_start": True, "autoconnect": False, "autoconnect_host_id": None, "autostart_localhost": False, "autoadd_queued": False, "choose_directory_dialog_path": deluge.common.get_default_download_dir(), "show_new_releases": True, "signal_port": 40000, "ntf_tray_blink": True, "ntf_sound": False, "ntf_sound_path": deluge.common.get_default_download_dir(), "ntf_popup": False, "ntf_email": False, "ntf_email_add": "", "ntf_username": "", "ntf_pass": "", "ntf_server": "", "ntf_security": None, "signal_port": 40000, "show_sidebar": True, "show_toolbar": True, "show_statusbar": True, "sidebar_show_zero": False, "sidebar_show_trackers": True, "sidebar_position": 170, "show_rate_in_title": False, "createtorrent.trackers": [], "show_piecesbar": False, "pieces_color_missing": [65535, 0, 0], "pieces_color_waiting": [4874, 56494, 0], "pieces_color_downloading": [65535, 55255, 0], "pieces_color_completed": [4883, 26985, 56540], "focus_main_window_on_add": True, "language": None, }
class GtkUI(object): def __init__(self, args): self.daemon_bps = (0, 0, 0) # Setup btkbuilder/glade translation deluge.common.setup_translations(setup_gettext=False, setup_pygtk=True)
# Setup signals try: import gnome.ui import gnome
# Suppress: Warning: Attempt to add property GnomeProgram::*** after class was initialised original_filters = warnings.filters[:] warnings.simplefilter("ignore") try: self.gnome_prog = gnome.init("Deluge", deluge.common.get_version()) finally: warnings.filters = original_filters
self.gnome_client = gnome.ui.master_client()
def on_die(*args): reactor.stop() self.gnome_client.connect("die", on_die) log.debug("GNOME session 'die' handler registered!") except Exception as ex: log.warning("Unable to register a 'die' handler with the GNOME session manager: %s", ex)
if deluge.common.windows_check(): from win32api import SetConsoleCtrlHandler from win32con import CTRL_CLOSE_EVENT from win32con import CTRL_SHUTDOWN_EVENT
def win_handler(ctrl_type): log.debug("ctrl_type: %s", ctrl_type) if ctrl_type in (CTRL_CLOSE_EVENT, CTRL_SHUTDOWN_EVENT): reactor.stop() return 1 SetConsoleCtrlHandler(win_handler)
if deluge.common.osx_check() and gtk.gdk.WINDOWING == "quartz": import gtkosx_application self.osxapp = gtkosx_application.gtkosx_application_get()
def on_die(*args): reactor.stop() self.osxapp.connect("NSApplicationWillTerminate", on_die)
# Set process name again to fix gtk issue setproctitle(getproctitle())
# Attempt to register a magnet URI handler with gconf, but do not overwrite # if already set by another program. associate_magnet_links(False)
# Make sure gtkui.conf has at least the defaults set self.config = ConfigManager("gtkui.conf", DEFAULT_PREFS)
# Make sure the gtkui state folder has been created if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(get_config_dir(), "gtkui_state")): os.makedirs(os.path.join(get_config_dir(), "gtkui_state"))
# We need to check on exit if it was started in classic mode to ensure we # shutdown the daemon. self.started_in_classic = self.config["classic_mode"]
# Set language if not self.config["language"] is None: deluge.common.set_language(self.config["language"])
# Start the IPC Interface before anything else.. Just in case we are # already running. self.queuedtorrents = QueuedTorrents() self.ipcinterface = IPCInterface(args)
# Initialize gdk threading gtk.gdk.threads_init()
# We make sure that the UI components start once we get a core URI client.set_disconnect_callback(self.__on_disconnect)
self.trackericons = TrackerIcons() self.sessionproxy = SessionProxy() # Initialize various components of the gtkui self.mainwindow = MainWindow() self.menubar = MenuBar() self.toolbar = ToolBar() self.torrentview = TorrentView() self.torrentdetails = TorrentDetails() self.sidebar = SideBar() self.filtertreeview = FilterTreeView() self.preferences = Preferences() self.systemtray = SystemTray() self.statusbar = StatusBar() self.addtorrentdialog = AddTorrentDialog()
if deluge.common.osx_check() and gtk.gdk.WINDOWING == "quartz": def nsapp_open_file(osxapp, filename): # Will be raised at app launch (python opening main script) if filename.endswith('Deluge-bin'): return True from deluge.ui.gtkui.ipcinterface import process_args process_args([filename]) self.osxapp.connect("NSApplicationOpenFile", nsapp_open_file) from deluge.ui.gtkui.menubar_osx import menubar_osx menubar_osx(self, self.osxapp) self.osxapp.ready()
# Initalize the plugins self.plugins = PluginManager()
# Late import because of setting up translations from deluge.ui.gtkui.connectionmanager import ConnectionManager # Show the connection manager self.connectionmanager = ConnectionManager()
from twisted.internet.task import LoopingCall rpc_stats = LoopingCall(self.print_rpc_stats) rpc_stats.start(10)
# Initialize gdk threading gtk.gdk.threads_enter() self.shutdown() gtk.gdk.threads_leave()
def shutdown(self, *args, **kwargs): log.debug("gtkui shutting down..")
# Process any pending gtk events since the mainloop has been quit while gtk.events_pending(): gtk.main_iteration(0)
# Shutdown all components component.shutdown()
# Make sure the config is saved.
def print_rpc_stats(self): import time try: recv = client.get_bytes_recv() sent = client.get_bytes_sent() except AttributeError: return
log.debug("sent: %s recv: %s", deluge.common.fsize(sent), deluge.common.fsize(recv)) t = time.time() delta_time = t - self.daemon_bps[0] delta_sent = sent - self.daemon_bps[1] delta_recv = recv - self.daemon_bps[2]
sent_rate = deluge.common.fspeed(float(delta_sent) / float(delta_time)) recv_rate = deluge.common.fspeed(float(delta_recv) / float(delta_time)) log.debug("sent rate: %s recv rate: %s", sent_rate, recv_rate) self.daemon_bps = (t, sent, recv)
def _on_reactor_start(self): log.debug("_on_reactor_start") self.mainwindow.first_show()
if self.config["classic_mode"]: def on_dialog_response(response): if response != gtk.RESPONSE_YES: # The user does not want to turn Standalone Mode off, so just quit self.mainwindow.quit() return # Turning off classic_mode self.config["classic_mode"] = False self.__start_non_classic()
try: try: client.start_classic_mode() except DaemonRunningError: d = YesNoDialog( _("Switch to Thin Client Mode?"), _("A Deluge daemon process (deluged) is already running. " "To use Standalone mode, stop this daemon and restart Deluge." "\n\n" "Continue in Thin Client mode?")).run() self.started_in_classic = False d.addCallback(on_dialog_response) except ImportError as ex: if "No module named libtorrent" in ex.message: d = YesNoDialog( _("Switch to Thin Client Mode?"), _("Only Thin Client mode is available because libtorrent is not installed." "\n\n" "To use Deluge Standalone mode, please install libtorrent.")).run() self.started_in_classic = False d.addCallback(on_dialog_response) else: raise ex else: component.start() return except Exception: import traceback tb = sys.exc_info() ed = ErrorDialog( _("Error Starting Core"), _("An error occurred starting the core component required to run Deluge in Standalone mode." "\n\n" "Please see the details below for more information."), details=traceback.format_exc(tb[2])).run()
def on_ed_response(response): d = YesNoDialog( _("Switch to Thin Client Mode?"), _("Unable to start Standalone mode would you like to continue in Thin Client mode?") ).run() self.started_in_classic = False d.addCallback(on_dialog_response) ed.addCallback(on_ed_response) else: self.__start_non_classic()
def __start_non_classic(self): # Autoconnect to a host if self.config["autoconnect"]:
def update_connection_manager(): if not self.connectionmanager.running: return self.connectionmanager.builder.get_object("button_refresh").emit("clicked")
def close_connection_manager(): if not self.connectionmanager.running: return self.connectionmanager.builder.get_object("button_close").emit("clicked")
for host_config in self.connectionmanager.config["hosts"]: hostid, host, port, user, passwd = host_config if hostid == self.config["autoconnect_host_id"]: try_connect = True # Check to see if we need to start the localhost daemon if self.config["autostart_localhost"] and host in ("localhost", ""): log.debug("Autostarting localhost:%s", host) try_connect = client.start_daemon( port, get_config_dir() ) log.debug("Localhost started: %s", try_connect) if not try_connect: ErrorDialog( _("Error Starting Daemon"), _("There was an error starting the daemon " "process. Try running it from a console " "to see if there is an error.") ).run()
# Daemon Started, let's update it's info reactor.callLater(0.5, update_connection_manager)
def on_connect(connector): component.start() reactor.callLater(0.2, update_connection_manager) reactor.callLater(0.5, close_connection_manager)
def on_connect_fail(reason, try_counter, host, port, user, passwd): if not try_counter: return
if reason.check(AuthenticationRequired, BadLoginError): log.debug("PasswordRequired exception") dialog = AuthenticationDialog(reason.value.message, reason.value.username)
def dialog_finished(response_id, host, port): if response_id == gtk.RESPONSE_OK: reactor.callLater( 0.5, do_connect, try_counter - 1, host, port, dialog.get_username(), dialog.get_password()), host, port) return"Connection to host failed..")"Retrying connection.. Retries left: " "%s", try_counter) reactor.callLater(0.5, update_connection_manager) reactor.callLater(0.5, do_connect, try_counter - 1, host, port, user, passwd)
def do_connect(try_counter, host, port, user, passwd): log.debug("Trying to connect to %s@%s:%s", user, host, port) d = client.connect(host, port, user, passwd) d.addCallback(on_connect) d.addErrback(on_connect_fail, try_counter, host, port, user, passwd)
if try_connect: reactor.callLater( 0.5, do_connect, 6, host, port, user, passwd ) break
if self.config["show_connection_manager_on_start"]: # XXX: We need to call a simulate() here, but this could be a bug in twisted try: reactor._simulate() except AttributeError: # twisted < 12 reactor.simulate()
def __on_disconnect(self): """ Called when disconnected from the daemon. We basically just stop all the components here. """ component.stop() |