Coverage for deluge/ui/gtkui/common : 0%

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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Copyright (C) 2008 Marcos Pinto ('markybob') <> # # This file is part of Deluge and is licensed under GNU General Public License 3.0, or later, with # the additional special exception to link portions of this program with the OpenSSL library. # See LICENSE for more details. # """Common functions for various parts of gtkui to use."""
import cPickle import logging import os import shutil import sys
import gtk import pygtk from gobject import GError
import deluge.common
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def get_logo(size): """A Deluge logo.
Params: size (int): Size of logo in pixels
Returns: gtk.gdk.Pixbuf: deluge logo """ filename = "deluge.svg" if deluge.common.windows_check() or deluge.common.osx_check(): filename = "deluge.png" try: return gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file_at_size(deluge.common.get_pixmap(filename), size, size) except GError as ex: log.warning(ex)
def build_menu_radio_list(value_list, callback, pref_value=None, suffix=None, show_notset=False, notset_label="∞", notset_lessthan=0, show_other=False): """Build a menu with radio menu items from a list and connect them to the callback.
Params: value_list [list]: List of values to build into a menu. callback (function): The function to call when menu item is clicked. pref_value (int): A preferred value to insert into value_list suffix (str): Append a suffix the the menu items in value_list. show_notset (bool): Show the unlimited menu item. notset_label (str): The text for the unlimited menu item. notset_lessthan (int): Activates the unlimited menu item if pref_value is less than this. show_other (bool): Show the `Other` menu item.
The pref_value is what you would like to test for the default active radio item.
Returns: gtk.Menu: The menu radio """ menu = gtk.Menu() group = None
if pref_value > -1 and pref_value not in value_list: value_list.pop() value_list.append(pref_value)
for value in sorted(value_list): item_text = str(value) if suffix: item_text += " " + suffix menuitem = gtk.RadioMenuItem(group, item_text) group = menuitem if pref_value and value == pref_value: menuitem.set_active(True) if callback: menuitem.connect("toggled", callback) menu.append(menuitem)
if show_notset: menuitem = gtk.RadioMenuItem(group, notset_label) menuitem.set_name("unlimited") if pref_value and pref_value < notset_lessthan: menuitem.set_active(True) menuitem.connect("toggled", callback) menu.append(menuitem)
if show_other: menuitem = gtk.SeparatorMenuItem() menu.append(menuitem) menuitem = gtk.MenuItem(_("Other...")) menuitem.set_name("other") menuitem.connect("activate", callback) menu.append(menuitem)
return menu
def reparent_iter(treestore, itr, parent, move_siblings=False): """ This effectively moves itr plus it's children to be a child of parent in treestore
Params: treestore (gtkTreeStore): the treestore itr (gtkTreeIter): the iter to move parent (gtkTreeIter): the new parent for itr move_siblings (bool): if True, it will move all itr's siblings to parent """ src = itr
def move_children(i, dest): while i: n_cols = treestore.append(dest, treestore.get(i, *xrange(treestore.get_n_columns()))) to_remove = i if treestore.iter_children(i): move_children(treestore.iter_children(i), n_cols) if i != src: i = treestore.iter_next(i) else: # This is the source iter, we don't want other iters in it's level if not move_siblings: i = None treestore.remove(to_remove)
move_children(itr, parent)
def get_deluge_icon(): """The deluge icon for use in dialogs.
It will first attempt to get the icon from the theme and will fallback to using an image that is distributed with the package.
Returns: gtk.gdk.Pixbuf: the deluge icon """ if deluge.common.windows_check(): return get_logo(32) else: try: icon_theme = gtk.icon_theme_get_default() return icon_theme.load_icon("deluge", 64, 0) except GError: return get_logo(64)
def associate_magnet_links(overwrite=False): """ Associates magnet links to Deluge.
Params: overwrite (bool): if this is True, the current setting will be overwritten
Returns: bool: True if association was set """
if deluge.common.windows_check(): import _winreg
try: hkey = _winreg.OpenKey(_winreg.HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, "Magnet") except WindowsError: overwrite = True else: _winreg.CloseKey(hkey)
if overwrite: deluge_exe = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(sys.executable), "deluge.exe") magnet_key = _winreg.CreateKey(_winreg.HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, "Magnet") _winreg.SetValue(magnet_key, "", _winreg.REG_SZ, "URL:Magnet Protocol") _winreg.SetValueEx(magnet_key, "URL Protocol", 0, _winreg.REG_SZ, "") _winreg.SetValueEx(magnet_key, "BrowserFlags", 0, _winreg.REG_DWORD, 0x8) _winreg.SetValue(magnet_key, "DefaultIcon", _winreg.REG_SZ, "{},0".format(deluge_exe)) _winreg.SetValue(magnet_key, r"shell\open\command", _winreg.REG_SZ, '"{}" "%1"'.format(deluge_exe)) _winreg.CloseKey(magnet_key)
# Don't try associate magnet on OSX see: #2420 elif not deluge.common.osx_check(): # gconf method is only available in a GNOME environment try: import gconf except ImportError: log.debug("gconf not available, so will not attempt to register magnet uri handler") return False else: key = "/desktop/gnome/url-handlers/magnet/command" gconf_client = gconf.client_get_default() if (gconf_client.get(key) and overwrite) or not gconf_client.get(key): # We are either going to overwrite the key, or do it if it hasn't been set yet if gconf_client.set_string(key, "deluge '%s'"): gconf_client.set_bool("/desktop/gnome/url-handlers/magnet/needs_terminal", False) gconf_client.set_bool("/desktop/gnome/url-handlers/magnet/enabled", True)"Deluge registered as default magnet uri handler!") return True else: log.error("Unable to register Deluge as default magnet uri handler.") return False return False
def save_pickled_state_file(filename, state): """Save a file in the config directory and creates a backup
Params: filename (str): Filename to be saved to config state (state): The data to be pickled and written to file """ from deluge.configmanager import get_config_dir filepath = os.path.join(get_config_dir(), "gtkui_state", filename) filepath_bak = filepath + ".bak" filepath_tmp = filepath + ".tmp"
try: if os.path.isfile(filepath): log.debug("Creating backup of %s at: %s", filename, filepath_bak) shutil.copy2(filepath, filepath_bak) except IOError as ex: log.error("Unable to backup %s to %s: %s", filepath, filepath_bak, ex) else:"Saving the %s at: %s", filename, filepath) try: with open(filepath_tmp, "wb") as _file: # Pickle the state object cPickle.dump(state, _file) _file.flush() os.fsync(_file.fileno()) shutil.move(filepath_tmp, filepath) except (IOError, EOFError, cPickle.PicklingError) as ex: log.error("Unable to save %s: %s", filename, ex) if os.path.isfile(filepath_bak):"Restoring backup of %s from: %s", filename, filepath_bak) shutil.move(filepath_bak, filepath)
def load_pickled_state_file(filename): """Loads a file from the config directory, attempting backup if original fails to load.
Params: filename (str): Filename to be loaded from config
Returns: state: the unpickled state """ from deluge.configmanager import get_config_dir filepath = os.path.join(get_config_dir(), "gtkui_state", filename) filepath_bak = filepath + ".bak" old_data_filepath = os.path.join(get_config_dir(), filename)
for _filepath in (filepath, filepath_bak, old_data_filepath):"Opening %s for load: %s", filename, _filepath) try: with open(_filepath, "rb") as _file: state = cPickle.load(_file) except (IOError, cPickle.UnpicklingError) as ex: log.warning("Unable to load %s: %s", _filepath, ex) else:"Successfully loaded %s: %s", filename, _filepath) return state |