Coverage for deluge/ui/console/modes/torrent_actions : 0%

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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Copyright (C) 2011 Nick Lanham <> # # This file is part of Deluge and is licensed under GNU General Public License 3.0, or later, with # the additional special exception to link portions of this program with the OpenSSL library. # See LICENSE for more details. #
import logging
from twisted.internet import defer
import deluge.component as component from deluge.ui.client import client from deluge.ui.console import colors from deluge.ui.console.modes.input_popup import InputPopup from deluge.ui.console.modes.popup import Popup, SelectablePopup
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
torrent_options = [ ("max_download_speed", float), ("max_upload_speed", float), ("max_connections", int), ("max_upload_slots", int), ("prioritize_first_last", bool), ("sequential_download", bool), ("is_auto_managed", bool), ("stop_at_ratio", bool), ("stop_ratio", float), ("remove_at_ratio", bool), ("move_on_completed", bool), ("move_on_completed_path", str) ]
torrent_options_to_names = { "max_download_speed": "Max DL speed", "max_upload_speed": "Max UL speed", "max_connections": "Max connections", "max_upload_slots": "Max upload slots", "prioritize_first_last": "Prioritize first/last pieces", "sequential_download": "Sequential download", "is_auto_managed": "Is auto managed?", "stop_at_ratio": "Stop at ratio", "stop_ratio": "Seeding ratio limit", "remove_at_ratio": "Remove after reaching ratio", "move_on_completed": "Move torrent after completion", "move_on_completed_path": "Folder to move the torrent to" }
def action_error(error, mode): rerr = error.value mode.report_message("An Error Occurred", "%s got error %s: %s" % ( rerr.method, rerr.exception_type, rerr.exception_msg)) mode.refresh()
def torrent_action(idx, data, mode, ids): if ids: if data == ACTION.PAUSE: log.debug("Pausing torrents: %s", ids) client.core.pause_torrent(ids).addErrback(action_error, mode) elif data == ACTION.RESUME: log.debug("Resuming torrents: %s", ids) client.core.resume_torrent(ids).addErrback(action_error, mode) elif data == ACTION.QUEUE: def do_queue(idx, qact, mode, ids): def move_selection(r): if mode.config["move_selection"]: queue_length = 0 selected_num = 0 for tid in mode.curstate: tq = mode.curstate.get(tid)["queue"] if tq != -1: queue_length += 1 if tq in mode.marked: selected_num += 1 if qact == ACTION.QUEUE_TOP: if mode.marked: mode.cursel = 1 + sorted(mode.marked).index(mode.cursel) else: mode.cursel = 1 mode.marked = range(1, selected_num + 1) elif qact == ACTION.QUEUE_UP: mode.cursel = max(1, mode.cursel - 1) mode.marked = map(lambda v: v - 1, mode.marked) mode.marked = filter(lambda v: v > 0, mode.marked) elif qact == ACTION.QUEUE_DOWN: mode.cursel = min(queue_length, mode.cursel + 1) mode.marked = map(lambda v: v + 1, mode.marked) mode.marked = filter(lambda v: v <= queue_length, mode.marked) elif qact == ACTION.QUEUE_BOTTOM: if mode.marked: mode.cursel = queue_length - selected_num + 1 + sorted(mode.marked).index(mode.cursel) else: mode.cursel = queue_length mode.marked = range(queue_length - selected_num + 1, queue_length + 1)
if qact == ACTION.QUEUE_TOP: log.debug("Queuing torrents top") client.core.queue_top(ids).addCallback(move_selection) elif qact == ACTION.QUEUE_UP: log.debug("Queuing torrents up") client.core.queue_up(ids).addCallback(move_selection) elif qact == ACTION.QUEUE_DOWN: log.debug("Queuing torrents down") client.core.queue_down(ids).addCallback(move_selection) elif qact == ACTION.QUEUE_BOTTOM: log.debug("Queuing torrents bottom") client.core.queue_bottom(ids).addCallback(move_selection)
if len(ids) == 1: mode.clear_marks() return True popup = SelectablePopup(mode, "Queue Action", do_queue, (mode, ids)) popup.add_line("_Top", data=ACTION.QUEUE_TOP) popup.add_line("_Up", data=ACTION.QUEUE_UP) popup.add_line("_Down", data=ACTION.QUEUE_DOWN) popup.add_line("_Bottom", data=ACTION.QUEUE_BOTTOM) mode.set_popup(popup) return False elif data == ACTION.REMOVE: def do_remove(data): if not data: return mode.clear_marks()
wd = data["remove_files"] for tid in ids: log.debug("Removing torrent: %s, %d", tid, wd) client.core.remove_torrent(tid, wd).addErrback(action_error, mode)
def got_status(status): return (status["name"], status["state"])
callbacks = [] for tid in ids: d = client.core.get_torrent_status(tid, ["name", "state"]) callbacks.append(d.addCallback(got_status))
def finish_up(status): status = map(lambda x: x[1], status)
if len(ids) == 1: rem_msg = "{!info!}Removing the following torrent:{!input!}" else: rem_msg = "{!info!}Removing the following torrents:{!input!}"
for i, (name, state) in enumerate(status): color = colors.state_color[state] rem_msg += "\n %s* {!input!}%s" % (color, name) if i == 5: if i < len(status): rem_msg += "\n {!red!}And %i more" % (len(status) - 5) break
popup = InputPopup(mode, "(Esc to cancel, Enter to remove)", close_cb=do_remove) popup.add_text(rem_msg) popup.add_spaces(1) popup.add_select_input("{!info!}Torrent files:", "remove_files", ["Keep", "Remove"], [False, True], False) mode.set_popup(popup) defer.DeferredList(callbacks).addCallback(finish_up) return False elif data == ACTION.MOVE_STORAGE: def do_move(res): import os.path if os.path.exists(res["path"]) and not os.path.isdir(res["path"]): mode.report_message("Cannot Move Download Folder", "{!error!}%s exists and is not a directory" % res["path"]) else: log.debug("Moving %s to: %s", ids, res["path"]) client.core.move_storage(ids, res["path"]).addErrback(action_error, mode) if len(ids) == 1: mode.clear_marks() return True popup = InputPopup(mode, "Move Download Folder (Esc to cancel)", close_cb=do_move) popup.add_text_input("Enter path to move to:", "path") mode.set_popup(popup) return False elif data == ACTION.RECHECK: log.debug("Rechecking torrents: %s", ids) client.core.force_recheck(ids).addErrback(action_error, mode) elif data == ACTION.REANNOUNCE: log.debug("Reannouncing torrents: %s", ids) client.core.force_reannounce(ids).addErrback(action_error, mode) elif data == ACTION.DETAILS: log.debug("Torrent details") tid = mode.current_torrent_id() if tid: mode.show_torrent_details(tid) else: log.error("No current torrent in _torrent_action, this is a bug") elif data == ACTION.TORRENT_OPTIONS: mode.popup = Popup(mode, "Torrent options") mode.popup.add_line("Querying core, please wait...")
torrents = ids
options = {}
def _do_set_torrent_options(ids, result): options = {} for opt in result: if result[opt] not in ["multiple", None]: options[opt] = result[opt] client.core.set_torrent_options(ids, options) for tid in ids: if "move_on_completed_path" in options: client.core.set_torrent_move_completed_path(tid, options["move_on_completed_path"]) if "move_on_completed" in options: client.core.set_torrent_move_completed(tid, options["move_on_completed"]) if "is_auto_managed" in options: client.core.set_torrent_auto_managed(tid, options["is_auto_managed"]) if "remove_at_ratio" in options: client.core.set_torrent_remove_at_ratio(tid, options["remove_at_ratio"]) if "prioritize_first_last" in options: client.core.set_torrent_prioritize_first_last(tid, options["prioritize_first_last"])
def on_torrent_status(status): for key in status: if key not in options: options[key] = status[key] elif options[key] != status[key]: options[key] = "multiple"
def create_popup(status): cb = lambda result, ids=ids: _do_set_torrent_options(ids, result) option_popup = InputPopup(mode, "Set torrent options (Esc to cancel)", close_cb=cb, height_req=22)
for (field, field_type) in torrent_options: caption = "{!info!}" + torrent_options_to_names[field] value = options[field] if field_type == str: if not isinstance(value, basestring): value = str(value) option_popup.add_text_input(caption, field, value) elif field_type == bool: if options[field] == "multiple": choices = ( ["Yes", "No", "Mixed"], [True, False, None], 2 ) else: choices = ( ["Yes", "No"], [True, False], [True, False].index(options[field]) ) option_popup.add_select_input(caption, field, choices[0], choices[1], choices[2]) elif field_type == float: option_popup.add_float_spin_input(caption, field, value, min_val=-1) elif field_type == int: option_popup.add_int_spin_input(caption, field, value, min_val=-1)
mode.set_popup(option_popup) mode.refresh()
callbacks = []
field_list = map(lambda t: t[0], torrent_options)
for tid in torrents: deferred = component.get("SessionProxy").get_torrent_status(tid, field_list) callbacks.append(deferred.addCallback(on_torrent_status))
callbacks = defer.DeferredList(callbacks) callbacks.addCallback(create_popup)
if len(ids) == 1: mode.clear_marks() return True
# Creates the popup. mode is the calling mode, tids is a list of torrents to take action upon def torrent_actions_popup(mode, tids, details=False, action=None): if action is not None: torrent_action(-1, action, mode, tids) return popup = SelectablePopup(mode, "Torrent Actions", torrent_action, (mode, tids)) popup.add_line("_Pause", data=ACTION.PAUSE) popup.add_line("_Resume", data=ACTION.RESUME) if details: popup.add_divider() popup.add_line("Queue", data=ACTION.QUEUE) popup.add_divider() popup.add_line("_Update Tracker", data=ACTION.REANNOUNCE) popup.add_divider() popup.add_line("Remo_ve Torrent", data=ACTION.REMOVE) popup.add_line("_Force Recheck", data=ACTION.RECHECK) popup.add_line("_Move Download Folder", data=ACTION.MOVE_STORAGE) popup.add_divider() if details: popup.add_line("Torrent _Details", data=ACTION.DETAILS) popup.add_line("Torrent _Options", data=ACTION.TORRENT_OPTIONS) mode.set_popup(popup) |