Coverage for deluge/ui/console/modes/preferences : 0%

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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Copyright (C) 2011 Nick Lanham <> # # This file is part of Deluge and is licensed under GNU General Public License 3.0, or later, with # the additional special exception to link portions of this program with the OpenSSL library. # See LICENSE for more details. #
import logging from collections import deque
import deluge.component as component from deluge.ui.client import client from deluge.ui.console.modes.basemode import BaseMode from deluge.ui.console.modes.input_popup import Popup, SelectInput from deluge.ui.console.modes.popup import MessagePopup from deluge.ui.console.modes.preference_panes import (BandwidthPane, CachePane, ColumnsPane, DaemonPane, DownloadsPane, InterfacePane, NetworkPane, OtherPane, ProxyPane, QueuePane)
try: import curses except ImportError: pass
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# Big help string that gets displayed when the user hits 'h' HELP_STR = """This screen lets you view and configure various options in deluge.
There are three main sections to this screen. Only one section is active at a time. You can switch the active section by hitting TAB (or Shift-TAB to go back one)
The section on the left displays the various categories that the settings fall in. You can navigate the list using the up/down arrows
The section on the right shows the settings for the selected category. When this section is active you can navigate the various settings with the up/down arrows. Special keys for each input type are described below.
The final section is at the bottom right, the: [Cancel] [Apply] [OK] buttons. When this section is active, simply select the option you want using the arrow keys and press Enter to confim.
Special keys for various input types are as follows: - For text inputs you can simply type in the value.
- For numeric inputs (indicated by the value being in []s), you can type a value, or use PageUp and PageDown to increment/decrement the value.
- For checkbox inputs use the spacebar to toggle
- For checkbox plus something else inputs (the something else being only visible when you check the box) you can toggle the check with space, use the right arrow to edit the other value, and escape to get back to the check box.
""" HELP_LINES = HELP_STR.split("\n")
class Preferences(BaseMode): def __init__(self, parent_mode, core_config, console_config, active_port, status, stdscr, encoding=None): self.parent_mode = parent_mode self.categories = [_("Interface"), _("Columns"), _("Downloads"), _("Network"), _("Bandwidth"), _("Other"), _("Daemon"), _("Queue"), _("Proxy"), _("Cache")] # , _("Plugins")] self.cur_cat = 0 self.popup = None self.messages = deque() self.action_input = None
self.core_config = core_config self.console_config = console_config self.active_port = active_port self.status = status
self.active_zone = ZONE.CATEGORIES
# how wide is the left 'pane' with categories self.div_off = 15
BaseMode.__init__(self, stdscr, encoding, False)
# create the panes self.__calc_sizes()
self.action_input = SelectInput(self, None, None, ["Cancel", "Apply", "OK"], [0, 1, 2], 0) self.refresh()
def __calc_sizes(self): self.prefs_width = self.cols - self.div_off - 1 self.prefs_height = self.rows - 4 # Needs to be same order as self.categories self.panes = [ InterfacePane(self.div_off + 2, self, self.prefs_width), ColumnsPane(self.div_off + 2, self, self.prefs_width), DownloadsPane(self.div_off + 2, self, self.prefs_width), NetworkPane(self.div_off + 2, self, self.prefs_width), BandwidthPane(self.div_off + 2, self, self.prefs_width), OtherPane(self.div_off + 2, self, self.prefs_width), DaemonPane(self.div_off + 2, self, self.prefs_width), QueuePane(self.div_off + 2, self, self.prefs_width), ProxyPane(self.div_off + 2, self, self.prefs_width), CachePane(self.div_off + 2, self, self.prefs_width) ]
def __draw_catetories(self): for i, category in enumerate(self.categories): if i == self.cur_cat and self.active_zone == ZONE.CATEGORIES: self.add_string(i + 1, "- {!black,white,bold!}%s" % category, pad=False) elif i == self.cur_cat: self.add_string(i + 1, "- {!black,white!}%s" % category, pad=False) else: self.add_string(i + 1, "- %s" % category) self.stdscr.vline(1, self.div_off, "|", self.rows - 2)
def __draw_preferences(self): self.panes[self.cur_cat].render(self, self.stdscr, self.prefs_width, self.active_zone == ZONE.PREFRENCES)
def __draw_actions(self): selected = self.active_zone == ZONE.ACTIONS self.stdscr.hline(self.rows - 3, self.div_off + 1, "_", self.cols) self.action_input.render(self.stdscr, self.rows - 2, self.cols, selected, self.cols - 22)
def on_resize(self, *args): BaseMode.on_resize_norefresh(self, *args) self.__calc_sizes()
# Always refresh Legacy(it will also refresh AllTorrents), otherwise it will bug deluge out legacy = component.get("LegacyUI") legacy.on_resize(*args) self.stdscr.erase() self.refresh()
def refresh(self): if self.popup is None and self.messages: title, msg = self.messages.popleft() self.popup = MessagePopup(self, title, msg)
self.stdscr.erase() self.add_string(0, self.statusbars.topbar) hstr = "%sPress [h] for help" % (" " * (self.cols - len(self.statusbars.bottombar) - 10)) self.add_string(self.rows - 1, "%s%s" % (self.statusbars.bottombar, hstr))
self.__draw_catetories() self.__draw_actions()
# do this last since it moves the cursor self.__draw_preferences()
if component.get("ConsoleUI").screen != self: return
if self.popup: self.popup.refresh()
def __category_read(self, c): # Navigate prefs if c == curses.KEY_UP: self.cur_cat = max(0, self.cur_cat - 1) elif c == curses.KEY_DOWN: self.cur_cat = min(len(self.categories) - 1, self.cur_cat + 1)
def __prefs_read(self, c): self.panes[self.cur_cat].handle_read(c)
def __apply_prefs(self): new_core_config = {} for pane in self.panes: if not isinstance(pane, InterfacePane) and not isinstance(pane, ColumnsPane): pane.add_config_values(new_core_config) # Apply Core Prefs if client.connected(): # Only do this if we're connected to a daemon config_to_set = {} for key in new_core_config.keys(): # The values do not match so this needs to be updated if self.core_config[key] != new_core_config[key]: config_to_set[key] = new_core_config[key]
if config_to_set: # Set each changed config value in the core client.core.set_config(config_to_set) client.force_call(True) # Update the configuration self.core_config.update(config_to_set)
# Update Interface Prefs new_console_config = {} didupdate = False for pane in self.panes: # could just access panes by index, but that would break if panes # are ever reordered, so do it the slightly slower but safer way if isinstance(pane, InterfacePane) or isinstance(pane, ColumnsPane): pane.add_config_values(new_console_config) for key in new_console_config.keys(): # The values do not match so this needs to be updated if self.console_config[key] != new_console_config[key]: self.console_config[key] = new_console_config[key] didupdate = True if didupdate: # changed something, save config and tell alltorrents self.parent_mode.update_config()
def __update_preferences(self, core_config): self.core_config = core_config for pane in self.panes: pane.update_values(core_config)
def __actions_read(self, c): self.action_input.handle_read(c) if c == curses.KEY_ENTER or c == 10: # take action if self.action_input.selidx == 0: # Cancel self.back_to_parent() elif self.action_input.selidx == 1: # Apply self.__apply_prefs() client.core.get_config().addCallback(self.__update_preferences) elif self.action_input.selidx == 2: # OK self.__apply_prefs() self.back_to_parent()
def back_to_parent(self): self.stdscr.erase() component.get("ConsoleUI").set_mode(self.parent_mode) self.parent_mode.resume()
def read_input(self): c = self.stdscr.getch()
if self.popup: if self.popup.handle_read(c): self.popup = None self.refresh() return
if c > 31 and c < 256: if chr(c) == "Q": from twisted.internet import reactor if client.connected(): def on_disconnect(result): reactor.stop() client.disconnect().addCallback(on_disconnect) else: reactor.stop() return elif chr(c) == "h": self.popup = Popup(self, "Preferences Help") for l in HELP_LINES: self.popup.add_line(l)
if c == 9: self.active_zone += 1 if self.active_zone > ZONE.ACTIONS: self.active_zone = ZONE.CATEGORIES elif c == 27 and self.active_zone == ZONE.CATEGORIES: self.back_to_parent() elif c == curses.KEY_BTAB: self.active_zone -= 1 if self.active_zone < ZONE.CATEGORIES: self.active_zone = ZONE.ACTIONS
elif c == 114 and isinstance(self.panes[self.cur_cat], CachePane): client.core.get_cache_status().addCallback(self.panes[self.cur_cat].update_cache_status)
else: if self.active_zone == ZONE.CATEGORIES: self.__category_read(c) elif self.active_zone == ZONE.PREFRENCES: self.__prefs_read(c) elif self.active_zone == ZONE.ACTIONS: self.__actions_read(c)
self.refresh() |