Coverage for deluge/ui/console/modes/popup : 0%

Hot-keys on this page
r m x p toggle line displays
j k next/prev highlighted chunk
0 (zero) top of page
1 (one) first highlighted chunk
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Copyright (C) 2011 Nick Lanham <> # # This file is part of Deluge and is licensed under GNU General Public License 3.0, or later, with # the additional special exception to link portions of this program with the OpenSSL library. # See LICENSE for more details. #
try: import curses except ImportError: pass
import logging
from deluge.ui.console.modes import format_utils
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class Popup: def __init__(self, parent_mode, title, width_req=0, height_req=0, align=ALIGN.DEFAULT, close_cb=None, init_lines=None): """ Init a new popup. The default constructor will handle sizing and borders and the like.
NB: The parent mode is responsible for calling refresh on any popups it wants to show. This should be called as the last thing in the parents refresh method.
The parent *must* also call read_input on the popup instead of/in addition to running its own read_input code if it wants to have the popup handle user input.
:param parent_mode: must be a basemode (or subclass) which the popup will be drawn over :parem title: string, the title of the popup window
Popups have two methods that must be implemented:
refresh(self) - draw the popup window to screen. this default mode simply draws a bordered window with the supplied title to the screen
add_string(self, row, string) - add string at row. handles triming/ignoring if the string won't fit in the popup
read_input(self) - handle user input to the popup. """ self.parent = parent_mode
self.height_req = height_req self.width_req = width_req self.align = align
self.title = title self.close_cb = close_cb
self.divider = None self.lineoff = 0 if init_lines: self._lines = init_lines else: self._lines = []
def _refresh_lines(self): crow = 1 for line in self._lines[self.lineoff:]: if (crow >= self.height - 1): break self.parent.add_string(crow, line, self.screen, 1, False, True) crow += 1
def handle_resize(self): if isinstance(self.height_req, float) and 0.0 < self.height_req <= 1.0: hr = int((self.parent.rows - 2) * self.height_req) else: hr = self.height_req
if isinstance(self.width_req, float) and 0.0 < self.width_req <= 1.0: wr = int((self.parent.cols - 2) * self.width_req) else: wr = self.width_req
log.debug("Resizing(or creating) popup window")
# Height if hr == 0: hr = int(self.parent.rows / 2) elif hr == -1: hr = self.parent.rows - 2 elif hr > self.parent.rows - 2: hr = self.parent.rows - 2
# Width if wr == 0: wr = int(self.parent.cols / 2) elif wr == -1: wr = self.parent.cols elif wr >= self.parent.cols: wr = self.parent.cols
if self.align in [ALIGN.TOP_CENTER, ALIGN.TOP_LEFT, ALIGN.TOP_RIGHT]: by = 1 elif self.align in [ALIGN.MIDDLE_CENTER, ALIGN.MIDDLE_LEFT, ALIGN.MIDDLE_RIGHT]: by = (self.parent.rows / 2) - (hr / 2) elif self.align in [ALIGN.BOTTOM_CENTER, ALIGN.BOTTOM_LEFT, ALIGN.BOTTOM_RIGHT]: by = self.parent.rows - hr - 1
if self.align in [ALIGN.TOP_LEFT, ALIGN.MIDDLE_LEFT, ALIGN.BOTTOM_LEFT]: bx = 0 elif self.align in [ALIGN.TOP_CENTER, ALIGN.MIDDLE_CENTER, ALIGN.BOTTOM_CENTER]: bx = (self.parent.cols / 2) - (wr / 2) elif self.align in [ALIGN.TOP_RIGHT, ALIGN.MIDDLE_RIGHT, ALIGN.BOTTOM_RIGHT]: bx = self.parent.cols - wr - 1
self.screen = curses.newwin(hr, wr, by, bx)
self.x, self.y = bx, by self.height, self.width = self.screen.getmaxyx()
def refresh(self): self.screen.erase() self.screen.border(0, 0, 0, 0) toff = max(1, (self.width // 2) - (len(self.title) // 2)) self.parent.add_string(0, "{!white,black,bold!}%s" % self.title, self.screen, toff, False, True)
self._refresh_lines() if (len(self._lines) > (self.height - 2)): lts = len(self._lines) - (self.height - 3) perc_sc = float(self.lineoff) / lts sb_pos = int((self.height - 2) * perc_sc) + 1 if (sb_pos == 1) and (self.lineoff != 0): sb_pos += 1 self.parent.add_string(sb_pos, "{!red,black,bold!}#", self.screen, col=(self.width - 1), pad=False, trim=False)
self.screen.redrawwin() self.screen.noutrefresh()
def clear(self): self._lines = []
def handle_read(self, c): p_off = self.height - 3 if c == curses.KEY_UP: self.lineoff = max(0, self.lineoff - 1) elif c == curses.KEY_PPAGE: self.lineoff = max(0, self.lineoff - p_off) elif c == curses.KEY_HOME: self.lineoff = 0 elif c == curses.KEY_DOWN: if len(self._lines) - self.lineoff > (self.height - 2): self.lineoff += 1 elif c == curses.KEY_NPAGE: self.lineoff = min(len(self._lines) - self.height + 2, self.lineoff + p_off) elif c == curses.KEY_END: self.lineoff = len(self._lines) - self.height + 2
elif c == curses.KEY_ENTER or c == 10 or c == 27: # close on enter/esc if self.close_cb: self.close_cb() return True # close the popup
if c > 31 and c < 256 and chr(c) == "q": if self.close_cb: self.close_cb() return True # close the popup
return False
def set_title(self, title): self.title = title
def add_line(self, string): self._lines.append(string)
def add_divider(self): if not self.divider: self.divider = "-" * (self.width - 2) self._lines.append(self.divider)
class SelectablePopup(Popup): """ A popup which will let the user select from some of the lines that are added. """ def __init__(self, parent_mode, title, selection_callback, args=(), align=ALIGN.DEFAULT, immediate_action=False): Popup.__init__(self, parent_mode, title, align=align) self._selection_callback = selection_callback self._selection_args = args self._selectable_lines = []
self._immediate_action = immediate_action
self._select_data = [] self._line_foregrounds = [] self._udxs = {} self._hotkeys = {} self._selected = -1
def add_line(self, string, selectable=True, use_underline=True, data=None, foreground=None): if use_underline: udx = string.find("_") if udx >= 0: string = string[:udx] + string[udx + 1:] self._udxs[len(self._lines) + 1] = udx c = string[udx].lower() self._hotkeys[c] = len(self._lines) Popup.add_line(self, string) self._line_foregrounds.append(foreground) if selectable: self._selectable_lines.append(len(self._lines) - 1) self._select_data.append(data) if self._selected < 0: self._selected = (len(self._lines) - 1)
def _refresh_lines(self): crow = 1 for row, line in enumerate(self._lines): if (crow >= self.height - 1): break if (row < self.lineoff): continue fg = self._line_foregrounds[row] udx = self._udxs.get(crow) if row == self._selected: if fg is None: fg = "black" colorstr = "{!%s,white,bold!}" % fg if udx >= 0: ustr = "{!%s,white,bold,underline!}" % fg else: if fg is None: fg = "white" colorstr = "{!%s,black!}" % fg if udx >= 0: ustr = "{!%s,black,underline!}" % fg if udx == 0: self.parent.add_string(crow, "- %s%c%s%s" % ( ustr, line[0], colorstr, line[1:]), self.screen, 1, False, True) elif udx > 0: # well, this is a litte gross self.parent.add_string(crow, "- %s%s%s%c%s%s" % ( colorstr, line[:udx], ustr, line[udx], colorstr, line[udx + 1:]), self.screen, 1, False, True) else: self.parent.add_string(crow, "- %s%s" % (colorstr, line), self.screen, 1, False, True) crow += 1
def current_selection(self): "Returns a tuple of (selected index, selected data)" idx = self._selectable_lines.index(self._selected) return (idx, self._select_data[idx])
def add_divider(self, color="white"): if not self.divider: self.divider = "-" * (self.width - 6) + " -" self._lines.append(self.divider) self._line_foregrounds.append(color)
def _move_cursor_up(self, amount): if self._selectable_lines.index(self._selected) > amount: idx = self._selectable_lines.index(self._selected) self._selected = self._selectable_lines[idx - amount] else: self._selected = self._selectable_lines[0]
if self._immediate_action: self._selection_callback(idx, self._select_data[idx], *self._selection_args)
def _move_cursor_down(self, amount): idx = self._selectable_lines.index(self._selected) if (idx < len(self._selectable_lines) - amount): self._selected = self._selectable_lines[idx + amount] else: self._selected = self._selectable_lines[-1]
if self._immediate_action: self._selection_callback(idx, self._select_data[idx], *self._selection_args)
def handle_read(self, c): if c == curses.KEY_UP: self._move_cursor_up(1) elif c == curses.KEY_DOWN: self._move_cursor_down(1)
elif c == curses.KEY_PPAGE: self._move_cursor_up(4) elif c == curses.KEY_NPAGE: self._move_cursor_down(4)
elif c == curses.KEY_HOME: self._move_cursor_up(len(self._selectable_lines)) elif c == curses.KEY_END: self._move_cursor_down(len(self._selectable_lines))
elif c == 27: # close on esc, no action return True
elif c == curses.KEY_ENTER or c == 10: idx = self._selectable_lines.index(self._selected) return self._selection_callback(idx, self._select_data[idx], *self._selection_args)
if c > 31 and c < 256: if chr(c) == "q": return True # close the popup uc = chr(c).lower() if uc in self._hotkeys: # exec hotkey action idx = self._selectable_lines.index(self._hotkeys[uc]) return self._selection_callback(idx, self._select_data[idx], *self._selection_args) self.refresh()
return False
class MessagePopup(Popup): """ Popup that just displays a message """ def __init__(self, parent_mode, title, message, align=ALIGN.DEFAULT, width_req=0.5): self.message = message # self.width= int(parent_mode.cols/2) Popup.__init__(self, parent_mode, title, align=align, width_req=width_req) lns = format_utils.wrap_string(self.message, self.width - 2, 3, True) self.height_req = min(len(lns) + 2, int(parent_mode.rows * 2 / 3)) self.handle_resize() self._lines = lns
def handle_resize(self): Popup.handle_resize(self) self.clear() self._lines = format_utils.wrap_string(self.message, self.width - 2, 3, True) |