Coverage for deluge/ui/console/modes/input_popup : 0%

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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Copyright (C) 2011 Nick Lanham <> # Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Ido Abramovich <> # Copyright (C) 2009 Andrew Resch <> # # This file is part of Deluge and is licensed under GNU General Public License 3.0, or later, with # the additional special exception to link portions of this program with the OpenSSL library. # See LICENSE for more details. #
try: import curses except ImportError: pass
import logging import os import os.path
from deluge.ui.console import colors from deluge.ui.console.modes.popup import ALIGN, Popup
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class InputField: depend = None # render the input. return number of rows taken up
def get_height(self): return 0
def render(self, screen, row, width, selected, col=1): return 0
def handle_read(self, c): if c in [curses.KEY_ENTER, 10, 127, 113]: return True return False
def get_value(self): return None
def set_value(self, value): pass
def set_depend(self, i, inverse=False): if not isinstance(i, CheckedInput): raise Exception("Can only depend on CheckedInputs") self.depend = i self.inverse = inverse
def depend_skip(self): if not self.depend: return False if self.inverse: return self.depend.checked else: return not self.depend.checked
class CheckedInput(InputField): def __init__(self, parent, message, name, checked=False, additional_formatting=False): self.parent = parent self.additional_formatting = additional_formatting self.chkd_inact = "[X] %s" % message self.unchkd_inact = "[ ] %s" % message self.chkd_act = "[{!black,white,bold!}X{!white,black!}] %s" % message self.unchkd_act = "[{!black,white,bold!} {!white,black!}] %s" % message = name self.checked = checked
def get_height(self): return 1
def render(self, screen, row, width, active, col=1): if self.checked and active: self.parent.add_string(row, self.chkd_act, screen, col, False, True) elif self.checked: self.parent.add_string(row, self.chkd_inact, screen, col, False, True) elif active: self.parent.add_string(row, self.unchkd_act, screen, col, False, True) else: self.parent.add_string(row, self.unchkd_inact, screen, col, False, True) return 1
def handle_read(self, c): if c == 32: self.checked = not self.checked
def get_value(self): return self.checked
def set_value(self, c): self.checked = c
class CheckedPlusInput(InputField): def __init__(self, parent, message, name, child, checked=False, additional_formatting=False): self.parent = parent self.additional_formatting = additional_formatting self.chkd_inact = "[X] %s" % message self.unchkd_inact = "[ ] %s" % message self.chkd_act = "[{!black,white,bold!}X{!white,black!}] %s" % message self.unchkd_act = "[{!black,white,bold!} {!white,black!}] %s" % message = name self.checked = checked self.msglen = len(self.chkd_inact) + 1 self.child = child self.child_active = False
def get_height(self): return max(2, self.child.height)
def render(self, screen, row, width, active, col=1): isact = active and not self.child_active if self.checked and isact: self.parent.add_string(row, self.chkd_act, screen, col, False, True) elif self.checked: self.parent.add_string(row, self.chkd_inact, screen, col, False, True) elif isact: self.parent.add_string(row, self.unchkd_act, screen, col, False, True) else: self.parent.add_string(row, self.unchkd_inact, screen, col, False, True)
if active and self.checked and self.child_active: self.parent.add_string(row + 1, "(esc to leave)", screen, col, False, True) elif active and self.checked: self.parent.add_string(row + 1, "(right arrow to edit)", screen, col, False, True) rows = 2 # show child if self.checked: if isinstance(self.child, (TextInput, IntSpinInput, FloatSpinInput)): crows = self.child.render(screen, row, width - self.msglen, self.child_active and active, col + self.msglen, self.msglen) else: crows = self.child.render(screen, row, width - self.msglen, self.child_active and active, col + self.msglen) rows = max(rows, crows) else: self.parent.add_string(row, "(enable to view/edit value)", screen, col + self.msglen, False, True) return rows
def handle_read(self, c): if self.child_active: if c == 27: # leave child on esc self.child_active = False return # pass keys through to child self.child.handle_read(c) else: if c == 32: self.checked = not self.checked if c == curses.KEY_RIGHT: self.child_active = True
def get_value(self): return self.checked
def set_value(self, c): self.checked = c
def get_child(self): return self.child
class IntSpinInput(InputField): def __init__(self, parent, message, name, move_func, value, min_val=None, max_val=None, additional_formatting=False): self.parent = parent self.message = message = name
self.additional_formatting = additional_formatting
self.default_str = str(value) self.set_value(value) self.default_value = self.value
self.cursor = len(self.valstr) self.cursoff = colors.get_line_width(self.message) + 4 # + 4 for the " [ " in the rendered string self.move_func = move_func self.min_val = min_val self.max_val = max_val self.need_update = False
def get_height(self): return 1
def __limit_value(self): if (self.min_val is not None) and self.value < self.min_val: self.value = self.min_val if (self.max_val is not None) and self.value > self.max_val: self.value = self.max_val
def render(self, screen, row, width, active, col=1, cursor_offset=0): if not active and self.need_update: if not self.valstr or self.valstr == "-": self.value = self.default_value self.valstr = self.default_str try: int(self.value) except: self.real_value = False else: self.value = int(self.valstr) self.__limit_value() self.valstr = "%d" % self.value self.cursor = len(self.valstr) self.cursor = colors.get_line_width(self.valstr) self.need_update = False elif self.need_update and self.valstr != "-": self.real_value = True try: self.value = int(self.valstr) except: self.value = self.default_value try: int(self.value) except: self.real_value = False if not self.valstr: self.parent.add_string(row, "%s {!input!}[ ]" % self.message, screen, col, False, True) elif active: self.parent.add_string(row, "%s {!input!}[ {!black,white,bold!}%s{!input!} ]" % ( self.message, self.valstr), screen, col, False, True) elif self.additional_formatting and self.valstr == self.default_str: self.parent.add_string(row, "%s {!input!}[ {!magenta,black!}%s{!input!} ]" % ( self.message, self.valstr), screen, col, False, True) else: self.parent.add_string(row, "%s {!input!}[ %s ]" % (self.message, self.valstr), screen, col, False, True)
if active: self.move_func(row, self.cursor + self.cursoff + cursor_offset)
return 1
def handle_read(self, c): if c == curses.KEY_PPAGE and self.value < self.max_val: if not self.real_value: self.value = self.min_val self.valstr = "%d" % self.value self.real_value = True else: self.value += 1 self.valstr = "%d" % self.value self.cursor = len(self.valstr) elif c == curses.KEY_NPAGE and self.value > self.min_val: if not self.real_value: self.value = self.min_val self.valstr = "%d" % self.value self.real_value = True else: self.value -= 1 self.valstr = "%d" % self.value self.cursor = len(self.valstr) elif c == curses.KEY_LEFT: if not self.real_value: return None self.cursor = max(0, self.cursor - 1) elif c == curses.KEY_RIGHT: if not self.real_value: return None self.cursor = min(len(self.valstr), self.cursor + 1) elif c == curses.KEY_HOME: if not self.real_value: return None self.cursor = 0 elif c == curses.KEY_END: if not self.real_value: return None self.cursor = len(self.valstr) elif c == curses.KEY_BACKSPACE or c == 127: if not self.real_value: self.valstr = "" self.cursor = 0 self.real_value = True self.need_update = True elif self.valstr and self.cursor > 0: self.valstr = self.valstr[:self.cursor - 1] + self.valstr[self.cursor:] self.cursor -= 1 self.need_update = True elif c == curses.KEY_DC: if not self.real_value: return None if self.valstr and self.cursor < len(self.valstr): self.valstr = self.valstr[:self.cursor] + self.valstr[self.cursor + 1:] self.need_update = True elif c == 45 and self.min_val < 0: if not self.real_value: self.valstr = "-" self.cursor = 1 self.real_value = True self.need_update = True if self.cursor != 0: return minus_place = self.valstr.find("-") if minus_place >= 0: return self.valstr = chr(c) + self.valstr self.cursor += 1 self.need_update = True elif c > 47 and c < 58: if (not self.real_value) and self.valstr: self.valstr = "" self.cursor = 0 self.real_value = True self.need_update = True if c == 48 and self.cursor == 0: return minus_place = self.valstr.find("-") if self.cursor <= minus_place: return if self.cursor == len(self.valstr): self.valstr += chr(c) else: # Insert into string self.valstr = self.valstr[:self.cursor] + chr(c) + self.valstr[self.cursor:] self.need_update = True # Move the cursor forward self.cursor += 1
def get_value(self): if self.real_value: self.__limit_value() return self.value else: return None
def set_value(self, val): try: self.value = int(val) self.valstr = "%d" % self.value self.real_value = True except ValueError: self.value = None self.real_value = False self.valstr = val self.cursor = len(self.valstr)
class FloatSpinInput(InputField): def __init__(self, parent, message, name, move_func, value, inc_amt, precision, min_val=None, max_val=None, additional_formatting=False): self.parent = parent self.message = message = name self.precision = precision self.inc_amt = inc_amt
self.additional_formatting = additional_formatting
self.fmt = "%%.%df" % precision
self.default_str = str(value) self.set_value(value) self.default_value = self.value
self.cursor = len(self.valstr) self.cursoff = colors.get_line_width(self.message) + 4 # + 4 for the " [ " in the rendered string self.move_func = move_func self.min_val = min_val self.max_val = max_val self.need_update = False
def get_height(self): return 1
def __limit_value(self): if (self.min_val is not None) and self.value < self.min_val: self.value = self.min_val if (self.max_val is not None) and self.value > self.max_val: self.value = self.max_val self.valstr = self.fmt % self.value
def render(self, screen, row, width, active, col=1, cursor_offset=0): if not active and self.need_update: if not self.valstr or self.valstr == "-": self.value = self.default_value self.valstr = self.default_str try: float(self.value) except: self.real_value = False else: self.set_value(self.valstr) self.__limit_value() self.valstr = self.fmt % self.value self.cursor = len(self.valstr) self.cursor = colors.get_line_width(self.valstr) self.need_update = False elif self.need_update and self.valstr != "-": self.real_value = True try: self.value = round(float(self.valstr), self.precision) except: self.value = self.default_value try: float(self.value) except: self.real_value = False
if not self.valstr: self.parent.add_string(row, "%s {!input!}[ ]" % self.message, screen, col, False, True) elif active: self.parent.add_string(row, "%s {!input!}[ {!black,white,bold!}%s{!white,black!} ]" % ( self.message, self.valstr), screen, col, False, True) elif self.additional_formatting and self.valstr == self.default_str: self.parent.add_string(row, "%s {!input!}[ {!magenta,black!}%s{!input!} ]" % ( self.message, self.valstr), screen, col, False, True) else: self.parent.add_string(row, "%s {!input!}[ %s ]" % (self.message, self.valstr), screen, col, False, True) if active: self.move_func(row, self.cursor + self.cursoff + cursor_offset)
return 1
def handle_read(self, c): if c == curses.KEY_PPAGE: if not self.real_value: self.value = self.min_val self.valstr = "%d" % self.value self.real_value = True else: self.value += self.inc_amt self.__limit_value() self.valstr = self.fmt % self.value self.cursor = len(self.valstr) elif c == curses.KEY_NPAGE: if not self.real_value: self.value = self.min_val self.valstr = "%d" % self.value self.real_value = True else: self.value -= self.inc_amt self.__limit_value() self.valstr = self.fmt % self.value self.cursor = len(self.valstr) elif c == curses.KEY_LEFT: if not self.real_value: return None self.cursor = max(0, self.cursor - 1) elif c == curses.KEY_RIGHT: if not self.real_value: return None self.cursor = min(len(self.valstr), self.cursor + 1) elif c == curses.KEY_HOME: if not self.real_value: return None self.cursor = 0 elif c == curses.KEY_END: if not self.real_value: return None self.cursor = len(self.valstr) elif c == curses.KEY_BACKSPACE or c == 127: if not self.real_value: self.valstr = "" self.cursor = 0 self.real_value = True self.need_update = True elif self.valstr and self.cursor > 0: self.valstr = self.valstr[:self.cursor - 1] + self.valstr[self.cursor:] self.cursor -= 1 self.need_update = True elif c == curses.KEY_DC: if not self.real_value: return None if self.valstr and self.cursor < len(self.valstr): self.valstr = self.valstr[:self.cursor] + self.valstr[self.cursor + 1:] self.need_update = True elif c == 45 and self.min_val < 0: if not self.real_value: self.valstr = "-" self.cursor = 1 self.need_update = True self.real_value = True if self.cursor != 0: return minus_place = self.valstr.find("-") if minus_place >= 0: return self.valstr = chr(c) + self.valstr self.cursor += 1 self.need_update = True elif c == 46: if (not self.real_value) and self.valstr: self.valstr = "0." self.cursor = 2 self.real_value = True self.need_update = True minus_place = self.valstr.find("-") if self.cursor <= minus_place: return point_place = self.valstr.find(".") if point_place >= 0: return if self.cursor == len(self.valstr): self.valstr += chr(c) else: # Insert into string self.valstr = self.valstr[:self.cursor] + chr(c) + self.valstr[self.cursor:] self.need_update = True # Move the cursor forward self.cursor += 1 elif (c > 47 and c < 58): if (not self.real_value) and self.valstr: self.valstr = "" self.cursor = 0 self.real_value = True self.need_update = True if self.value == "mixed": self.value = "" minus_place = self.valstr.find("-") if self.cursor <= minus_place: return if self.cursor == len(self.valstr): self.valstr += chr(c) else: # Insert into string self.valstr = self.valstr[:self.cursor] + chr(c) + self.valstr[self.cursor:] self.need_update = True # Move the cursor forward self.cursor += 1
def get_value(self): if self.real_value: self.__limit_value() return self.value else: return None
def set_value(self, val): try: self.value = round(float(val), self.precision) self.valstr = self.fmt % self.value self.real_value = True except ValueError: self.value = None self.real_value = False self.valstr = val self.cursor = len(self.valstr)
class SelectInput(InputField): def __init__(self, parent, message, name, opts, vals, selidx, additional_formatting=False): self.parent = parent self.message = message self.additional_formatting = additional_formatting = name self.opts = opts self.vals = vals self.selidx = selidx self.default_option = selidx
def get_height(self): return 1 + bool(self.message)
def render(self, screen, row, width, selected, col=1): if self.message: self.parent.add_string(row, self.message, screen, col, False, True) row += 1 off = col + 1 for i, opt in enumerate(self.opts): if selected and i == self.selidx: self.parent.add_string(row, "{!black,white,bold!}[%s]" % opt, screen, off, False, True) elif i == self.selidx: if self.additional_formatting and i == self.default_option: self.parent.add_string(row, "[{!magenta,black!}%s{!white,black!}]" % opt, screen, off, False, True) elif self.additional_formatting: self.parent.add_string(row, "[{!white,blue!}%s{!white,black!}]" % opt, screen, off, False, True) else: self.parent.add_string(row, "[{!white,black,underline!}%s{!white,black!}]" % opt, screen, off, False, True) else: self.parent.add_string(row, "[%s]" % opt, screen, off, False, True) off += len(opt) + 3 if self.message: return 2 else: return 1
def handle_read(self, c): if c == curses.KEY_LEFT: self.selidx = max(0, self.selidx - 1) if c == curses.KEY_RIGHT: self.selidx = min(len(self.opts) - 1, self.selidx + 1)
def get_value(self): return self.vals[self.selidx]
def set_value(self, nv): for i, val in enumerate(self.vals): if nv == val: self.selidx = i return raise Exception("Invalid value for SelectInput")
class TextInput(InputField): def __init__(self, parent, move_func, width, message, name, value, docmp, additional_formatting=False): self.parent = parent self.move_func = move_func self.width = width
self.additional_formatting = additional_formatting
self.message = message = name self.value = value self.default_value = value self.docmp = docmp
self.tab_count = 0 self.cursor = len(self.value) self.opts = None self.opt_off = 0
def get_height(self): return 2 + bool(self.message)
def render(self, screen, row, width, selected, col=1, cursor_offset=0): if not self.value and not selected and len(self.default_value) != 0: self.value = self.default_value self.cursor = len(self.value)
if self.message: self.parent.add_string(row, self.message, screen, col, False, True) row += 1 if selected: if self.opts: self.parent.add_string(row + 1, self.opts[self.opt_off:], screen, col, False, True) if self.cursor > (width - 3): self.move_func(row, width - 2) else: self.move_func(row, self.cursor + 1 + cursor_offset) slen = len(self.value) + 3 if slen > width: vstr = self.value[(slen - width):] else: vstr = self.value.ljust(width - 2)
if self.additional_formatting and len(self.value) != 0 and self.value == self.default_value: self.parent.add_string(row, "{!magenta,white!}%s" % vstr, screen, col, False, False) else: self.parent.add_string(row, "{!black,white,bold!}%s" % vstr, screen, col, False, False)
if self.message: return 3 else: return 2
def get_value(self): return self.value
def set_value(self, val): self.value = val self.cursor = len(self.value)
# most of the cursor,input stuff here taken from ui/console/ def handle_read(self, c): if c == 9 and self.docmp: # Keep track of tab hit count to know when it's double-hit self.tab_count += 1 if self.tab_count > 1: second_hit = True self.tab_count = 0 else: second_hit = False
# We only call the tab completer function if we're at the end of # the input string on the cursor is on a space if self.cursor == len(self.value) or self.value[self.cursor] == " ": if self.opts: prev = self.opt_off self.opt_off += self.width - 3 # now find previous double space, best guess at a split point # in future could keep opts unjoined to get this really right self.opt_off = self.opts.rfind(" ", 0, self.opt_off) + 2 if second_hit and self.opt_off == prev: # double tap and we're at the end self.opt_off = 0 else: opts = self.complete(self.value) if len(opts) == 1: # only one option, just complete it self.value = opts[0] self.cursor = len(opts[0]) self.tab_count = 0 elif len(opts) > 1: prefix = os.path.commonprefix(opts) if prefix: self.value = prefix self.cursor = len(prefix)
if len(opts) > 1 and second_hit: # display multiple options on second tab hit sp = self.value.rfind(os.sep) + 1 self.opts = " ".join([o[sp:] for o in opts])
# Cursor movement elif c == curses.KEY_LEFT: self.cursor = max(0, self.cursor - 1) elif c == curses.KEY_RIGHT: self.cursor = min(len(self.value), self.cursor + 1) elif c == curses.KEY_HOME: self.cursor = 0 elif c == curses.KEY_END: self.cursor = len(self.value)
if c != 9: self.opts = None self.opt_off = 0 self.tab_count = 0
# Delete a character in the input string based on cursor position if c == curses.KEY_BACKSPACE or c == 127: if self.value and self.cursor > 0: self.value = self.value[:self.cursor - 1] + self.value[self.cursor:] self.cursor -= 1 elif c == curses.KEY_DC: if self.value and self.cursor < len(self.value): self.value = self.value[:self.cursor] + self.value[self.cursor + 1:] elif c > 31 and c < 256: # Emulate getwch stroke = chr(c) uchar = "" while not uchar: try: uchar = stroke.decode(self.parent.encoding) except UnicodeDecodeError: c = self.parent.parent.stdscr.getch() stroke += chr(c) if uchar: if self.cursor == len(self.value): self.value += uchar else: # Insert into string self.value = self.value[:self.cursor] + uchar + self.value[self.cursor:] # Move the cursor forward self.cursor += 1
def complete(self, line): line = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(line)) ret = [] if os.path.exists(line): # This is a correct path, check to see if it's a directory if os.path.isdir(line): # Directory, so we need to show contents of directory # ret.extend(os.listdir(line)) for f in os.listdir(line): # Skip hidden if f.startswith("."): continue f = os.path.join(line, f) if os.path.isdir(f): f += os.sep ret.append(f) else: # This is a file, but we could be looking for another file that # shares a common prefix. for f in os.listdir(os.path.dirname(line)): if f.startswith(os.path.split(line)[1]): ret.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(line), f)) else: # This path does not exist, so lets do a listdir on it's parent # and find any matches. ret = [] if os.path.isdir(os.path.dirname(line)): for f in os.listdir(os.path.dirname(line)): if f.startswith(os.path.split(line)[1]): p = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(line), f)
if os.path.isdir(p): p += os.sep ret.append(p) return ret
class InputPopup(Popup): def __init__(self, parent_mode, title, width_req=0, height_req=0, align=ALIGN.DEFAULT, close_cb=None, additional_formatting=True, immediate_action=False): Popup.__init__(self, parent_mode, title, width_req=width_req, height_req=height_req, align=align, close_cb=close_cb) self.inputs = [] self.lines = [] self.current_input = 0
self.additional_formatting = additional_formatting self.immediate_action = immediate_action
# We need to replicate some things in order to wrap our inputs self.encoding = parent_mode.encoding
def move(self, r, c): self._cursor_row = r self._cursor_col = c
def add_text_input(self, message, name, value="", complete=True): """ Add a text input field to the popup.
:param message: string to display above the input field :param name: name of the field, for the return callback :param value: initial value of the field :param complete: should completion be run when tab is hit and this field is active """ self.inputs.append(TextInput(self, self.move, self.width, message, name, value, complete, additional_formatting=self.additional_formatting))
def getmaxyx(self): return self.screen.getmaxyx()
def add_string(self, row, string, scr=None, col=0, pad=True, trim=True): if row <= 0: return False elif row >= self.height - 1: return False self.parent.add_string(row, string, scr, col, pad, trim) return True
def add_spaces(self, num): for i in range(num): self.lines.append((len(self.inputs), ""))
def add_text(self, string): lines = string.split("\n") for line in lines: self.lines.append((len(self.inputs), line))
def add_select_input(self, message, name, opts, vals, default_index=0): self.inputs.append(SelectInput(self, message, name, opts, vals, default_index, additional_formatting=self.additional_formatting))
def add_checked_input(self, message, name, checked=False): self.inputs.append(CheckedInput(self, message, name, checked, additional_formatting=self.additional_formatting))
# def add_checked_plus_input(self, message, name, child)
def add_float_spin_input(self, message, name, value=0.0, inc_amt=1.0, precision=1, min_val=None, max_val=None): i = FloatSpinInput(self, message, name, self.move, value, inc_amt, precision, min_val, max_val, additional_formatting=self.additional_formatting) self.inputs.append(i)
def add_int_spin_input(self, message, name, value=0, min_val=None, max_val=None): i = IntSpinInput(self, message, name, self.move, value, min_val, max_val, additional_formatting=self.additional_formatting) self.inputs.append(i)
def _refresh_lines(self): self._cursor_row = -1 self._cursor_col = -1 curses.curs_set(0)
start_row = 0 end_row = 0 for i, ipt in enumerate(self.inputs): for line in self.lines: if line[0] == i: end_row += 1 start_row = end_row end_row += ipt.get_height() active = (i == self.current_input)
if active: if end_row + 1 >= self.height + self.lineoff: self.lineoff += ipt.get_height() elif start_row < self.lineoff: self.lineoff -= ipt.get_height() self.content_height = end_row
crow = 1 - self.lineoff for i, ipt in enumerate(self.inputs): for line in self.lines: if line[0] == i: self.add_string(crow, line[1], self.screen, 1, pad=False) crow += 1 crow += ipt.render(self.screen, crow, self.width, i == self.current_input)
if (self.content_height > (self.height - 2)): lts = self.content_height - (self.height - 3) perc_sc = float(self.lineoff) / lts sb_pos = int((self.height - 2) * perc_sc) + 1 if (sb_pos == 1) and (self.lineoff != 0): sb_pos += 1 self.add_string(sb_pos, "{!red,black,bold!}#", self.screen, col=(self.width - 1), pad=False, trim=False) if self._cursor_row >= 0: curses.curs_set(2) self.screen.move(self._cursor_row, self._cursor_col)
def handle_read(self, c): if c == curses.KEY_UP: self.current_input = max(0, self.current_input - 1) elif c == curses.KEY_DOWN: self.current_input = min(len(self.inputs) - 1, self.current_input + 1) elif c == curses.KEY_ENTER or c == 10: if self.close_cb: vals = {} for ipt in self.inputs: vals[] = ipt.get_value() curses.curs_set(0) self.close_cb(vals) return True # close the popup elif c == 27: # close on esc, no action return True elif self.inputs: self.inputs[self.current_input].handle_read(c) if self.immediate_action: vals = {} for ipt in self.inputs: vals[] = ipt.get_value() self.close_cb(vals)
self.refresh() return False |