Coverage for deluge/ui/console/modes/format_utils : 0%

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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Copyright (C) 2011 Nick Lanham <> # # This file is part of Deluge and is licensed under GNU General Public License 3.0, or later, with # the additional special exception to link portions of this program with the OpenSSL library. # See LICENSE for more details. #
import re from collections import deque from unicodedata import normalize as ud_normalize from unicodedata import east_asian_width
import deluge.common
def format_speed(speed): if (speed > 0): return deluge.common.fspeed(speed) else: return "-"
def format_time(time): if (time > 0): return deluge.common.ftime(time) else: return "-"
def format_date(time): if (time > 0): return deluge.common.fdate(time) else: return ""
def format_date_never(time): if (time > 0): return deluge.common.fdate(time) else: return "Never"
def format_float(x): if x < 0: return "-" else: return "%.3f" % x
def format_seeds_peers(num, total): return "%d (%d)" % (num, total)
def format_progress(perc): if perc < 100: return "%.2f%%" % perc else: return "100%"
def format_pieces(num, size): return "%d (%s)" % (num, deluge.common.fsize(size))
def format_priority(prio): if prio == - 2: return "[Mixed]" if prio < 0: return "-" pstring = deluge.common.FILE_PRIORITY[prio] if prio > 0: return pstring[:pstring.index("Priority") - 1] else: return pstring
def trim_string(string, w, have_dbls): if w <= 0: return "" elif w == 1: return u" " elif have_dbls: # have to do this the slow way chrs = [] width = 4 idx = 0 while width < w: chrs.append(string[idx]) if east_asian_width(string[idx]) in ["W", "F"]: width += 2 else: width += 1 idx += 1 if width != w: chrs.pop() chrs.append(".") return u"%s " % ("".join(chrs)) else: return u"%s " % (string[0:w - 1])
def format_column(col, lim): dbls = 0 # Chosen over isinstance(col, unicode) and col.__class__ == unicode # for speed - it's ~3 times faster for non-unicode strings and ~1.5 # for unicode strings. if col.__class__ is unicode: # might have some double width chars col = ud_normalize("NFC", col) dbls = sum(east_asian_width(c) in "WF" for c in col) size = len(col) + dbls if (size >= lim - 1): return trim_string(col, lim, dbls > 0) else: return "%s%s" % (col, " " * (lim - size))
def format_row(row, column_widths): return "".join([format_column(row[i], column_widths[i]) for i in range(0, len(row))])
_strip_re = re.compile("\{!.*?!\}")
def remove_formatting(string): return re.sub(_strip_re, "", string)
def wrap_string(string, width, min_lines=0, strip_colors=True): """ Wrap a string to fit in a particular width. Returns a list of output lines.
:param string: str, the string to wrap :param width: int, the maximum width of a line of text :param min_lines: int, extra lines will be added so the output tuple contains at least min_lines lines :param strip_colors: boolean, if True, text in {!!} blocks will not be considered as adding to the width of the line. They will still be present in the output. """ ret = [] s1 = string.split("\n")
def insert_clr(s, offset, mtchs, clrs): end_pos = offset + len(s) while mtchs and (mtchs[0] <= end_pos) and (mtchs[0] >= offset): mtc = mtchs.popleft() - offset clr = clrs.popleft() end_pos += len(clr) s = "%s%s%s" % (s[:mtc], clr, s[mtc:]) return s
for s in s1: offset = 0 if strip_colors: mtchs = deque() clrs = deque() for m in _strip_re.finditer(s): mtchs.append(m.start()) clrs.append( cstr = _strip_re.sub("", s) else: cstr = s while len(cstr) > width: sidx = cstr.rfind(" ", 0, width - 1) sidx += 1 if sidx > 0: if strip_colors: to_app = cstr[0:sidx] to_app = insert_clr(to_app, offset, mtchs, clrs) ret.append(to_app) offset += len(to_app) else: ret.append(cstr[0:sidx]) cstr = cstr[sidx:] if not cstr: cstr = None break else: # can't find a reasonable split, just split at width if strip_colors: to_app = cstr[0:width] to_app = insert_clr(to_app, offset, mtchs, clrs) ret.append(to_app) offset += len(to_app) else: ret.append(cstr[0:width]) cstr = cstr[width:] if not cstr: cstr = None break if cstr is not None: if strip_colors: ret.append(insert_clr(cstr, offset, mtchs, clrs)) else: ret.append(cstr)
if min_lines > 0: for i in range(len(ret), min_lines): ret.append(" ")
# Carry colors over to the next line last_color_string = "" for i, line in enumerate(ret): if i != 0: ret[i] = "%s%s" % (last_color_string, ret[i])
colors = re.findall("\\{![^!]+!\\}", line) if colors: last_color_string = colors[-1]
return ret
def strwidth(string): """ Measure width of a string considering asian double width characters """ if not isinstance(string, unicode): string = unicode(string, "utf-8") return sum([1 + (east_asian_width(char) in ["W", "F"]) for char in string])
def pad_string(string, length, character=" ", side="right"): """ Pad string with specified character to desired length, considering double width characters. """ w = strwidth(string) diff = length - w if side == "left": return "%s%s" % (character * diff, string) elif side == "right": return "%s%s" % (string, character * diff) |