Coverage for deluge/ui/console/modes/eventview : 0%

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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Copyright (C) 2011 Nick Lanham <> # # This file is part of Deluge and is licensed under GNU General Public License 3.0, or later, with # the additional special exception to link portions of this program with the OpenSSL library. # See LICENSE for more details. #
import logging
import deluge.component as component from deluge.ui.client import client from deluge.ui.console.modes import format_utils from deluge.ui.console.modes.basemode import BaseMode
try: import curses except ImportError: pass
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class EventView(BaseMode): def __init__(self, parent_mode, stdscr, encoding=None): self.parent_mode = parent_mode self.offset = 0 BaseMode.__init__(self, stdscr, encoding)
def refresh(self): "This method just shows each line of the event log" events = component.get("ConsoleUI").events
self.add_string(0, self.statusbars.topbar) hstr = "%sPress [h] for help" % (" " * (self.cols - len(self.statusbars.bottombar) - 10)) # This will quite likely fail when switching modes try: rf = format_utils.remove_formatting string = self.statusbars.bottombar hstr = "Press {!magenta,blue,bold!}[h]{!status!} for help"
string += " " * (self.cols - len(rf(string)) - len(rf(hstr))) + hstr
self.add_string(self.rows - 1, string) except: pass
if events: for i, event in enumerate(events): if i - self.offset >= self.rows - 2: more = len(events) - self.offset - self.rows + 2 if more > 0: self.add_string(i - self.offset, " (And %i more)" % more) break
elif i - self.offset < 0: continue try: self.add_string(i + 1 - self.offset, event) except curses.error: pass # This'll just cut the line. Note: This seriously should be fixed in a better way else: self.add_string(1, "{!white,black,bold!}No events to show yet")
if component.get("ConsoleUI").screen != self: return
self.stdscr.noutrefresh() curses.doupdate()
def on_resize(self, *args): BaseMode.on_resize_norefresh(self, *args)
# Always refresh Legacy(it will also refresh AllTorrents), otherwise it will bug deluge out legacy = component.get("LegacyUI") legacy.on_resize(*args) self.stdscr.erase() self.refresh()
def back_to_overview(self): self.stdscr.erase() component.get("ConsoleUI").set_mode(self.parent_mode) self.parent_mode.resume()
def read_input(self): c = self.stdscr.getch()
if c > 31 and c < 256: if chr(c) == "Q": from twisted.internet import reactor if client.connected(): def on_disconnect(result): reactor.stop() client.disconnect().addCallback(on_disconnect) else: reactor.stop() return elif chr(c) == "q": self.back_to_overview() return
if c == 27: self.back_to_overview() return
# TODO: Scroll event list jumplen = self.rows - 3 num_events = len(component.get("ConsoleUI").events)
if c == curses.KEY_UP: self.offset -= 1 elif c == curses.KEY_PPAGE: self.offset -= jumplen elif c == curses.KEY_HOME: self.offset = 0 elif c == curses.KEY_DOWN: self.offset += 1 elif c == curses.KEY_NPAGE: self.offset += jumplen elif c == curses.KEY_END: self.offset += num_events elif c == ord("j"): self.offset -= 1 elif c == ord("k"): self.offset += 1
if self.offset <= 0: self.offset = 0 elif num_events > self.rows - 3: if self.offset > num_events - self.rows + 3: self.offset = num_events - self.rows + 3 else: self.offset = 0
self.refresh() |