Coverage for deluge/ui/console/modes/column : 0%

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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Copyright (C) 2011 Nick Lanham <> # # This file is part of Deluge and is licensed under GNU General Public License 3.0, or later, with # the additional special exception to link portions of this program with the OpenSSL library. # See LICENSE for more details. #
import logging
import deluge.common from deluge.ui.console.modes import format_utils
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def format_queue(qnum): if (qnum >= 0): return "%d" % (qnum + 1) else: return ""
columns = { "#": (("queue",), format_queue), "Name": (("name",), None), "Size": (("total_wanted",), deluge.common.fsize), "State": (("state",), None), "Progress": (("progress",), format_utils.format_progress), "Seeds": (("num_seeds", "total_seeds"), format_utils.format_seeds_peers), "Peers": (("num_peers", "total_peers"), format_utils.format_seeds_peers), "Down Speed": (("download_payload_rate",), format_utils.format_speed), "Up Speed": (("upload_payload_rate",), format_utils.format_speed), "ETA": (("eta",), format_utils.format_time), "Ratio": (("ratio",), format_utils.format_float), "Avail": (("distributed_copies",), format_utils.format_float), "Added": (("time_added",), deluge.common.fdate), "Tracker": (("tracker_host",), None), "Download Folder": (("download_location",), None), "Downloaded": (("all_time_download",), deluge.common.fsize), "Uploaded": (("total_uploaded",), deluge.common.fsize), "Remaining": (("total_remaining",), deluge.common.fsize), "Owner": (("owner",), None), "Shared": (("shared",), str), "Active Time": (("active_time",), deluge.common.ftime), "Seeding Time": (("seeding_time",), deluge.common.ftime), "Complete Seen": (("last_seen_complete",), format_utils.format_date_never), "Completed": (("completed_time",), format_utils.format_date), "Seeds:Peers": (("seeds_peers_ratio",), format_utils.format_float), "Down Limit": (("max_download_speed",), format_utils.format_speed), "Up Limit": (("max_upload_speed",), format_utils.format_speed), }
def get_column_value(name, state): try: col = columns[name] except KeyError: return "Please Wait"
if col[1]: try: args = [state[key] for key in col[0]] except: return "Please Wait" return col[1](*args) else: try: return state[col[0][0]] except: return "Please Wait"
def get_required_fields(cols): fields = [] for col in cols: fields.extend(columns.get(col)[0]) return fields |