Coverage for deluge/ui/console/modes/basemode : 0%

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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Copyright (C) 2011 Nick Lanham <> # Copyright (C) 2009 Andrew Resch <> # # This file is part of Deluge and is licensed under GNU General Public License 3.0, or later, with # the additional special exception to link portions of this program with the OpenSSL library. # See LICENSE for more details. #
import logging import sys
from twisted.internet import reactor
import deluge.component as component import deluge.ui.console.colors as colors
try: import curses except ImportError: pass
try: import signal from fcntl import ioctl import termios import struct except: pass
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class CursesStdIO(object): """fake fd to be registered as a reader with the twisted reactor. Curses classes needing input should extend this"""
def fileno(self): """ We want to select on FD 0 """ return 0
def doRead(self): # NOQA """called when input is ready""" pass
def logPrefix(self): # NOQA return "CursesClient"
class BaseMode(CursesStdIO): def __init__(self, stdscr, encoding=None, do_refresh=True): """ A mode that provides a curses screen designed to run as a reader in a twisted reactor. This mode doesn't do much, just shows status bars and "Base Mode" on the screen
Modes should subclass this and provide overrides for:
do_read(self) - Handle user input refresh(self) - draw the mode to the screen add_string(self, row, string) - add a string of text to be displayed. see method for detailed info
The init method of a subclass *must* call BaseMode.__init__
Useful fields after calling BaseMode.__init__: self.stdscr - the curses screen self.rows - # of rows on the curses screen self.cols - # of cols on the curses screen self.topbar - top statusbar self.bottombar - bottom statusbar """ log.debug("BaseMode init!") self.stdscr = stdscr # Make the input calls non-blocking self.stdscr.nodelay(1)
# Strings for the 2 status bars self.statusbars = component.get("StatusBars")
# Keep track of the screen size self.rows, self.cols = self.stdscr.getmaxyx() try: signal.signal(signal.SIGWINCH, self.on_resize) except Exception: log.debug("Unable to catch SIGWINCH signal!")
if not encoding: self.encoding = sys.getdefaultencoding() else: self.encoding = encoding
# Do a refresh right away to draw the screen if do_refresh: self.refresh()
def on_resize_norefresh(self, *args): log.debug("on_resize_from_signal") # Get the new rows and cols value self.rows, self.cols = struct.unpack("hhhh", ioctl(0, termios.TIOCGWINSZ, "\000" * 8))[0:2] curses.resizeterm(self.rows, self.cols)
def on_resize(self, *args): self.on_resize_norefresh(args) self.refresh()
def connectionLost(self, reason): # NOQA self.close()
def add_string(self, row, string, scr=None, col=0, pad=True, trim=True): """ Adds a string to the desired `:param:row`.
:param row: int, the row number to write the string :param string: string, the string of text to add :param scr: curses.window, optional window to add string to instead of self.stdscr :param col: int, optional starting column offset :param pad: bool, optional bool if the string should be padded out to the width of the screen :param trim: bool, optional bool if the string should be trimmed if it is too wide for the screen
The text can be formatted with color using the following format:
"{!fg, bg, attributes, ...!}"
See: for attributes.
Alternatively, it can use some built-in scheme for coloring. See for built-in schemes.
"{!blue, black, bold!}My Text is {!white, black!}cool" "{!info!}I am some info text!" "{!error!}Uh oh!"
""" if scr: screen = scr else: screen = self.stdscr try: parsed = colors.parse_color_string(string, self.encoding) except colors.BadColorString as ex: log.error("Cannot add bad color string %s: %s", string, ex) return
for index, (color, s) in enumerate(parsed): if index + 1 == len(parsed) and pad: # This is the last string so lets append some " " to it s += " " * (self.cols - (col + len(s)) - 1) if trim: y, x = screen.getmaxyx() if (col + len(s)) > x: s = "%s..." % s[0:x - 4 - col] screen.addstr(row, col, s, color) col += len(s)
def draw_statusbars(self): self.add_string(0, self.statusbars.topbar) self.add_string(self.rows - 1, self.statusbars.bottombar)
# This mode doesn't report errors def report_message(self): pass
# This mode doesn't do anything with popups def set_popup(self, popup): pass
# This mode doesn't support marking def clear_marks(self): pass
def refresh(self): """ Refreshes the screen. Updates the lines based on the`:attr:lines` based on the `:attr:display_lines_offset` attribute and the status bars. """ self.stdscr.erase() self.draw_statusbars() # Update the status bars
self.add_string(1, "{!info!}Base Mode (or subclass hasn't overridden refresh)")
self.stdscr.redrawwin() self.stdscr.refresh()
def doRead(self): # NOQA """ Called when there is data to be read, ie, input from the keyboard. """ # We wrap this function to catch exceptions and shutdown the mainloop try: self.read_input() except Exception as ex: log.exception(ex) reactor.stop()
def read_input(self): # Read the character self.stdscr.getch() self.stdscr.refresh()
def close(self): """ Clean up the curses stuff on exit. """ curses.nocbreak() self.stdscr.keypad(0) curses.echo() curses.endwin() |