Coverage for deluge/ui/console/modes/addtorrents : 0%

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1 (one) first highlighted chunk
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Copyright (C) 2012 Arek Stefański <> # # This file is part of Deluge and is licensed under GNU General Public License 3.0, or later, with # the additional special exception to link portions of this program with the OpenSSL library. # See LICENSE for more details. #
import base64 import logging import os
import deluge.common as common import deluge.component as component from deluge.ui.client import client from deluge.ui.console.modes import format_utils from deluge.ui.console.modes.basemode import BaseMode from deluge.ui.console.modes.input_popup import InputPopup from deluge.ui.console.modes.popup import MessagePopup
try: import curses except ImportError: pass
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# Big help string that gets displayed when the user hits 'h' HELP_STR = """\ This screen allows you to browse and add torrent files located on your \ hard disk. Currently selected file is highlighted with a white background. You can change the selected file using the up/down arrows or the \ PgUp/PgDown keys. Home and End keys go to the first and last file \ in current directory respectively.
Select files with the 'm' key. Use 'M' for multi-selection. Press \ enter key to add them to session.
{!info!}'h'{!normal!} - Show this help
{!info!}'<'{!normal!} and {!info!}'>'{!normal!} - Change sort column and/or order
{!info!}'m'{!normal!} - Mark or unmark currently highlighted file {!info!}'M'{!normal!} - Mark all files between current file and last selection. {!info!}'c'{!normal!} - Clear selection.
{!info!}Left Arrow{!normal!} - Go up in directory hierarchy. {!info!}Right Arrow{!normal!} - Enter currently highlighted folder.
{!info!}Enter{!normal!} - Enter currently highlighted folder or add torrents \ if a file is highlighted
{!info!}'q'{!normal!} - Go back to torrent overview """
class AddTorrents(BaseMode, component.Component): def __init__(self, alltorrentmode, stdscr, console_config, encoding=None):
self.console_config = console_config
self.alltorrentmode = alltorrentmode
self.popup = None
self.view_offset = 0 self.cursel = 0 self.marked = set() self.last_mark = -1
path = os.path.expanduser(self.console_config["addtorrents_last_path"])
self.path_stack = ["/"] + path.strip("/").split("/") self.path_stack_pos = len(self.path_stack) self.listing_files = [] self.listing_dirs = []
self.raw_rows = [] self.raw_rows_files = [] self.raw_rows_dirs = [] self.formatted_rows = []
self.sort_column = self.console_config["addtorrents_sort_column"] self.reverse_sort = self.console_config["addtorrents_reverse_sort"]
BaseMode.__init__(self, stdscr, encoding)
self._listing_space = self.rows - 5
component.Component.__init__(self, "AddTorrents", 1, depend=["SessionProxy"])
curses.curs_set(0) self.stdscr.notimeout(0)
# component start/update def start(self): pass
def update(self): pass
def __refresh_listing(self): path = os.path.join(*self.path_stack[:self.path_stack_pos])
listing = os.listdir(path)
self.listing_files = [] self.listing_dirs = []
self.raw_rows = [] self.raw_rows_files = [] self.raw_rows_dirs = [] self.formatted_rows = []
for f in listing: if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(path, f)): if self.console_config["addtorrents_show_hidden_folders"]: self.listing_dirs.append(f) elif f[0] != ".": self.listing_dirs.append(f) elif os.path.isfile(os.path.join(path, f)): if self.console_config["addtorrents_show_misc_files"]: self.listing_files.append(f) elif f.endswith(".torrent"): self.listing_files.append(f)
for dirname in self.listing_dirs: row = [] full_path = os.path.join(path, dirname) try: size = len(os.listdir(full_path)) except: size = -1 time = os.stat(full_path).st_mtime
row = [dirname, size, time, full_path, 1]
self.raw_rows.append(row) self.raw_rows_dirs.append(row)
# Highlight the directory we came from if self.path_stack_pos < len(self.path_stack): selected = self.path_stack[self.path_stack_pos] ld = sorted(self.listing_dirs, key=lambda n: n.lower()) c = ld.index(selected) self.cursel = c
if (self.view_offset + self._listing_space) <= self.cursel: self.view_offset = self.cursel - self._listing_space
for filename in self.listing_files: row = [] full_path = os.path.join(path, filename) size = os.stat(full_path).st_size time = os.stat(full_path).st_mtime
row = [filename, size, time, full_path, 0]
self.raw_rows.append(row) self.raw_rows_files.append(row)
def __sort_rows(self): self.console_config["addtorrents_sort_column"] = self.sort_column self.console_config["addtorrents_reverse_sort"] = self.reverse_sort
self.raw_rows_dirs.sort(key=lambda r: r[0].lower())
if self.sort_column == "name": self.raw_rows_files.sort(key=lambda r: r[0].lower(), reverse=self.reverse_sort) elif self.sort_column == "date": self.raw_rows_files.sort(key=lambda r: r[2], reverse=self.reverse_sort) self.raw_rows = self.raw_rows_dirs + self.raw_rows_files
def __refresh_rows(self): self.formatted_rows = []
for row in self.raw_rows: filename = row[0] size = row[1] time = row[2]
if row[4]: if size != -1: size_str = "%i items" % size else: size_str = " unknown"
try: filename = filename.decode("utf8") except: pass
cols = [filename, size_str, common.fdate(time)] widths = [self.cols - 35, 12, 23] self.formatted_rows.append(format_utils.format_row(cols, widths)) else: # Size of .torrent file itself couldn't matter less so we'll leave it out try: filename = filename.decode("utf8") except: pass cols = [filename, common.fdate(time)] widths = [self.cols - 23, 23] self.formatted_rows.append(format_utils.format_row(cols, widths))
def scroll_list_up(self, distance): self.cursel -= distance if self.cursel < 0: self.cursel = 0
if self.cursel < self.view_offset + 1: self.view_offset = max(self.cursel - 1, 0)
def scroll_list_down(self, distance): self.cursel += distance if self.cursel >= len(self.formatted_rows): self.cursel = len(self.formatted_rows) - 1
if (self.view_offset + self._listing_space) <= self.cursel + 1: self.view_offset = self.cursel - self._listing_space + 1
def set_popup(self, pu): self.popup = pu self.refresh()
def on_resize(self, *args): BaseMode.on_resize_norefresh(self, *args)
# Always refresh Legacy(it will also refresh AllTorrents), otherwise it will bug deluge out legacy = component.get("LegacyUI") legacy.on_resize(*args)
if self.popup: self.popup.handle_resize()
self._listing_space = self.rows - 5
def refresh(self, lines=None):
# Update the status bars self.stdscr.erase() self.add_string(0, self.statusbars.topbar)
# This will quite likely fail when switching modes try: rf = format_utils.remove_formatting string = self.statusbars.bottombar hstr = "Press {!magenta,blue,bold!}[h]{!status!} for help"
string += " " * (self.cols - len(rf(string)) - len(rf(hstr))) + hstr
self.add_string(self.rows - 1, string) except: pass
off = 1
# Render breadcrumbs s = "Location: " for i, e in enumerate(self.path_stack): if e == "/": if i == self.path_stack_pos - 1: s += "{!black,red,bold!}root" else: s += "{!red,black,bold!}root" else: if i == self.path_stack_pos - 1: s += "{!black,white,bold!}%s" % e else: s += "{!white,black,bold!}%s" % e
if e != len(self.path_stack) - 1: s += "{!white,black!}/"
self.add_string(off, s) off += 1
# Render header cols = ["Name", "Contents", "Modification time"] widths = [self.cols - 35, 12, 23] s = "" for i, (c, w) in enumerate(zip(cols, widths)): cn = "" if i == 0: cn = "name" elif i == 2: cn = "date"
if cn == self.sort_column: s += "{!black,green,bold!}" + c.ljust(w - 2) if self.reverse_sort: s += "^ " else: s += "v " else: s += "{!green,black,bold!}" + c.ljust(w) self.add_string(off, s) off += 1
# Render files and folders for i, row in enumerate(self.formatted_rows[self.view_offset:]): i += self.view_offset # It's a folder color_string = "" if self.raw_rows[i][4]: if self.raw_rows[i][1] == -1: if i == self.cursel: color_string = "{!black,red,bold!}" else: color_string = "{!red,black!}" else: if i == self.cursel: color_string = "{!black,cyan,bold!}" else: color_string = "{!cyan,black!}"
elif i == self.cursel: if self.raw_rows[i][0] in self.marked: color_string = "{!blue,white,bold!}" else: color_string = "{!black,white,bold!}" elif self.raw_rows[i][0] in self.marked: color_string = "{!white,blue,bold!}"
self.add_string(off, color_string + row) off += 1
if off > self.rows - 2: break
if component.get("ConsoleUI").screen != self: return
if self.popup: self.popup.refresh()
def back_to_overview(self): component.stop(["AddTorrents"]) component.deregister(self) self.stdscr.erase() component.get("ConsoleUI").set_mode(self.alltorrentmode) self.alltorrentmode._go_top = False self.alltorrentmode.resume()
def _perform_action(self): if self.cursel < len(self.listing_dirs): self._enter_dir() else: s = self.raw_rows[self.cursel][0] if s not in self.marked: self.last_mark = self.cursel self.marked.add(s) self._show_add_dialog()
def _enter_dir(self): # Enter currently selected directory dirname = self.raw_rows[self.cursel][0] new_dir = self.path_stack_pos >= len(self.path_stack) new_dir = new_dir or (dirname != self.path_stack[self.path_stack_pos]) if new_dir: self.path_stack = self.path_stack[:self.path_stack_pos] self.path_stack.append(dirname)
path = os.path.join(*self.path_stack[:self.path_stack_pos + 1])
if not os.access(path, os.R_OK): self.path_stack = self.path_stack[:self.path_stack_pos] self.popup = MessagePopup(self, "Error", "{!error!}Access denied: %s" % path) self.__refresh_listing() return
self.path_stack_pos += 1
self.view_offset = 0 self.cursel = 0 self.last_mark = -1 self.marked = set()
def _show_add_dialog(self):
def _do_add(result): ress = {"succ": 0, "fail": 0, "total": len(self.marked), "fmsg": []}
def fail_cb(msg, t_file, ress): log.debug("failed to add torrent: %s: %s" % (t_file, msg)) ress["fail"] += 1 ress["fmsg"].append("{!input!} * %s: {!error!}%s" % (t_file, msg)) if (ress["succ"] + ress["fail"]) >= ress["total"]: self.alltorrentmode._report_add_status(ress["succ"], ress["fail"], ress["fmsg"])
def success_cb(tid, t_file, ress): if tid: log.debug("added torrent: %s (%s)" % (t_file, tid)) ress["succ"] += 1 if (ress["succ"] + ress["fail"]) >= ress["total"]: self.alltorrentmode._report_add_status(ress["succ"], ress["fail"], ress["fmsg"]) else: fail_cb("Already in session (probably)", t_file, ress)
for m in self.marked: filename = m directory = os.path.join(*self.path_stack[:self.path_stack_pos]) path = os.path.join(directory, filename) filedump = base64.encodestring(open(path).read()) t_options = {} if result["location"]: t_options["download_location"] = result["location"] t_options["add_paused"] = result["add_paused"]
d = client.core.add_torrent_file(filename, filedump, t_options) d.addCallback(success_cb, filename, ress) d.addErrback(fail_cb, filename, ress)
self.console_config["addtorrents_last_path"] = os.path.join(*self.path_stack[:self.path_stack_pos])
config = component.get("ConsoleUI").coreconfig dl = config["download_location"] if config["add_paused"]: ap = 0 else: ap = 1 self.popup = InputPopup(self, "Add Torrents (Esc to cancel)", close_cb=_do_add, height_req=17)
msg = "Adding torrent files:" for i, m in enumerate(self.marked): name = m msg += "\n * {!input!}%s" % name if i == 5: if i < len(self.marked): msg += "\n {!red!}And %i more" % (len(self.marked) - 5) break self.popup.add_text(msg) self.popup.add_spaces(1)
self.popup.add_text_input("Download Folder:", "location", dl) self.popup.add_select_input("Add Paused:", "add_paused", ["Yes", "No"], [True, False], ap)
def _go_up(self): # Go up in directory hierarchy if self.path_stack_pos > 1: self.path_stack_pos -= 1
self.view_offset = 0 self.cursel = 0 self.last_mark = -1 self.marked = set()
def read_input(self): c = self.stdscr.getch()
if self.popup: if self.popup.handle_read(c): self.popup = None self.refresh() return
if c > 31 and c < 256: if chr(c) == "Q": from twisted.internet import reactor if client.connected(): def on_disconnect(result): reactor.stop() client.disconnect().addCallback(on_disconnect) else: reactor.stop() return elif chr(c) == "q": self.back_to_overview() return
# Navigate the torrent list if c == curses.KEY_UP: self.scroll_list_up(1) elif c == curses.KEY_PPAGE: # self.scroll_list_up(self._listing_space-2) self.scroll_list_up(self.rows // 2) elif c == curses.KEY_HOME: self.scroll_list_up(len(self.formatted_rows)) elif c == curses.KEY_DOWN: self.scroll_list_down(1) elif c == curses.KEY_NPAGE: # self.scroll_list_down(self._listing_space-2) self.scroll_list_down(self.rows // 2) elif c == curses.KEY_END: self.scroll_list_down(len(self.formatted_rows)) elif c == curses.KEY_RIGHT: if self.cursel < len(self.listing_dirs): self._enter_dir() elif c == curses.KEY_LEFT: self._go_up() # Enter Key elif c == curses.KEY_ENTER or c == 10: self._perform_action() # Escape elif c == 27: self.back_to_overview() else: if c > 31 and c < 256: if chr(c) == "h": self.popup = MessagePopup(self, "Help", HELP_STR, width_req=0.75) elif chr(c) == ">": if self.sort_column == "date": self.reverse_sort = not self.reverse_sort else: self.sort_column = "date" self.reverse_sort = True self.__sort_rows() elif chr(c) == "<": if self.sort_column == "name": self.reverse_sort = not self.reverse_sort else: self.sort_column = "name" self.reverse_sort = False self.__sort_rows() elif chr(c) == "m": s = self.raw_rows[self.cursel][0] if s in self.marked: self.marked.remove(s) else: self.marked.add(s)
self.last_mark = self.cursel elif chr(c) == "j": self.scroll_list_up(1) elif chr(c) == "k": self.scroll_list_down(1) elif chr(c) == "M": if self.last_mark != -1: if self.last_mark > self.cursel: m = range(self.cursel, self.last_mark) else: m = range(self.last_mark, self.cursel + 1)
for i in m: s = self.raw_rows[i][0] self.marked.add(s) elif chr(c) == 'c': self.marked.clear()
self.refresh() |