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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Ido Abramovich <> # Copyright (C) 2009 Andrew Resch <> # # This file is part of Deluge and is licensed under GNU General Public License 3.0, or later, with # the additional special exception to link portions of this program with the OpenSSL library. # See LICENSE for more details. #
from optparse import make_option
from twisted.internet import defer
import deluge.component as component from deluge.ui.client import client from deluge.ui.console.main import BaseCommand
torrent_options = { "max_download_speed": float, "max_upload_speed": float, "max_connections": int, "max_upload_slots": int, "private": bool, "prioritize_first_last": bool, "is_auto_managed": bool, "stop_at_ratio": bool, "stop_ratio": float, "remove_at_ratio": bool, "move_on_completed": bool, "move_on_completed_path": str }
class Command(BaseCommand): """Show and manage per-torrent options"""
option_list = BaseCommand.option_list + ( make_option("-s", "--set", action="store", nargs=2, dest="set", help="set value for key"), ) usage = "Usage: manage <torrent-id> [<key1> [<key2> ...]]\n"\ " manage <torrent-id> --set <key> <value>"
def handle(self, *args, **options): self.console = component.get("ConsoleUI") if options['set']: return self._set_option(*args, **options) else: return self._get_option(*args, **options)
def _get_option(self, *args, **options):
def on_torrents_status(status): for torrentid, data in status.items(): self.console.write('') if 'name' in data: self.console.write('{!info!}Name: {!input!}%s' % data.get('name')) self.console.write('{!info!}ID: {!input!}%s' % torrentid) for k, v in data.items(): if k != 'name': self.console.write('{!info!}%s: {!input!}%s' % (k, v))
def on_torrents_status_fail(reason): self.console.write('{!error!}Failed to get torrent data.')
torrent_ids = [] torrent_ids.extend(self.console.match_torrent(args[0]))
request_options = [] for opt in args[1:]: if opt not in torrent_options: self.console.write('{!error!}Unknown torrent option: %s' % opt) return request_options.append(opt) if not request_options: request_options = [opt for opt in torrent_options.keys()] request_options.append('name')
d = client.core.get_torrents_status({"id": torrent_ids}, request_options) d.addCallback(on_torrents_status) d.addErrback(on_torrents_status_fail) return d
def _set_option(self, *args, **options): deferred = defer.Deferred() torrent_ids = [] torrent_ids.extend(self.console.match_torrent(args[0])) key = options["set"][0] val = options["set"][1] + " " .join(args[1:])
if key not in torrent_options: self.console.write("{!error!}The key '%s' is invalid!" % key) return
val = torrent_options[key](val)
def on_set_config(result): self.console.write("{!success!}Torrent option successfully updated.") deferred.callback(True)
self.console.write("Setting %s to %s for torrents %s.." % (key, val, torrent_ids))
for tid in torrent_ids: if key == "move_on_completed_path": client.core.set_torrent_move_completed_path(tid, val).addCallback(on_set_config) elif key == "move_on_completed": client.core.set_torrent_move_completed(tid, val).addCallback(on_set_config) elif key == "is_auto_managed": client.core.set_torrent_auto_managed(tid, val).addCallback(on_set_config) elif key == "remove_at_ratio": client.core.set_torrent_remove_at_ratio(tid, val).addCallback(on_set_config) elif key == "prioritize_first_last": client.core.set_torrent_prioritize_first_last(tid, val).addCallback(on_set_config) else: client.core.set_torrent_options(torrent_ids, {key: val}).addCallback(on_set_config) break return deferred
def complete(self, line): # We use the ConsoleUI torrent tab complete method return component.get("ConsoleUI").tab_complete_torrent(line) |