Coverage for deluge/ui/console/commands/info : 0%

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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Ido Abramovich <> # Copyright (C) 2009 Andrew Resch <> # # This file is part of Deluge and is licensed under GNU General Public License 3.0, or later, with # the additional special exception to link portions of this program with the OpenSSL library. # See LICENSE for more details. #
from optparse import make_option from os.path import sep as dirsep
import deluge.common as common import deluge.component as component import deluge.ui.console.colors as colors from deluge.ui.client import client from deluge.ui.console.main import BaseCommand from deluge.ui.console.modes import format_utils
strwidth = format_utils.strwidth
STATUS_KEYS = [ "state", "download_location", "tracker_host", "tracker_status", "next_announce", "name", "total_size", "progress", "num_seeds", "total_seeds", "num_peers", "total_peers", "eta", "download_payload_rate", "upload_payload_rate", "ratio", "distributed_copies", "num_pieces", "piece_length", "total_done", "files", "file_priorities", "file_progress", "peers", "is_seed", "is_finished", "active_time", "seeding_time" ]
# Add filter specific state to torrent states STATES = ["Active"] + common.TORRENT_STATE
def format_progressbar(progress, width): """ Returns a string of a progress bar.
:param progress: float, a value between 0-100
:returns: str, a progress bar based on width
w = width - 2 # we use a [] for the beginning and end s = "[" p = int(round((progress / 100) * w)) s += "#" * p s += "-" * (w - p) s += "]" return s
def format_time(seconds): minutes = seconds // 60 seconds = seconds - minutes * 60 hours = minutes // 60 minutes = minutes - hours * 60 days = hours // 24 hours = hours - days * 24 return "%d days %02d:%02d:%02d" % (days, hours, minutes, seconds)
class Command(BaseCommand): """Show information about the torrents"""
sort_help = "sort items. Possible keys: " + ", ".join(STATUS_KEYS)
option_list = BaseCommand.option_list + ( make_option("-v", "--verbose", action="store_true", default=False, dest="verbose", help="Show more information per torrent."), make_option("-d", "--detailed", action="store_true", default=False, dest="detailed", help="Show more detailed information including files and peers."), make_option("-s", "--state", action="store", dest="state", help="Show torrents with state STATE: %s." % (", ".join(STATES))), make_option("--sort", action="store", type="string", default="", dest="sort", help=sort_help), make_option("--sort-reverse", action="store", type="string", default="", dest="sort_rev", help="Same as --sort but items are in reverse order.") )
usage = """Usage: info [-v | -d | -s <state>] [<torrent-id> [<torrent-id> ...]] You can give the first few characters of a torrent-id to identify the torrent. info * will list all torrents.
Tab Completion (info *pattern*<tab>): | First press of <tab> will output up to 15 matches; | hitting <tab> a second time, will print 15 more matches; | and a third press will print all remaining matches. | (To modify behaviour of third <tab>, set `third_tab_lists_all` to False)"""
def handle(self, *args, **options): self.console = component.get("ConsoleUI") # Compile a list of torrent_ids to request the status of torrent_ids = [] for arg in args: torrent_ids.extend(self.console.match_torrent(arg))
if not args: torrent_ids.extend(self.console.match_torrent(""))
def on_torrents_status(status): # Print out the information for each torrent sort_key = options["sort"] sort_reverse = False if not sort_key: sort_key = options["sort_rev"] sort_reverse = True if not sort_key: sort_key = "name" sort_reverse = False if sort_key not in STATUS_KEYS: self.console.write("") self.console.write("{!error!}Unknown sort key: " + sort_key + ", will sort on name") sort_key = "name" sort_reverse = False for key, value in sorted(status.items(), key=lambda x: x[1].get(sort_key), reverse=sort_reverse): self.show_info(key, status[key], options["verbose"], options["detailed"])
def on_torrents_status_fail(reason): self.console.write("{!error!}Error getting torrent info: %s" % reason)
status_dict = {"id": torrent_ids}
if options["state"]: options["state"] = options["state"].capitalize() if options["state"] in STATES: status_dict["state"] = options["state"] else: self.console.write("Invalid state: %s" % options["state"]) self.console.write("Possible values are: %s." % (", ".join(STATES))) return
d = client.core.get_torrents_status(status_dict, STATUS_KEYS) d.addCallback(on_torrents_status) d.addErrback(on_torrents_status_fail) return d
def show_file_info(self, torrent_id, status): spaces_per_level = 2
if hasattr(self.console, "screen"): cols = self.console.screen.cols else: cols = 80
prevpath = [] for i, file in enumerate(status["files"]): filename = file["path"].split(dirsep)[-1] filepath = file["path"].split(dirsep)[:-1]
for depth, subdir in enumerate(filepath): indent = " " * depth * spaces_per_level if depth >= len(prevpath): self.console.write("%s{!cyan!}%s" % (indent, subdir)) elif subdir != prevpath[depth]: self.console.write("%s{!cyan!}%s" % (indent, subdir))
depth = len(filepath)
indent = " " * depth * spaces_per_level
col_filename = indent + filename col_size = " ({!cyan!}%s{!input!})" % common.fsize(file["size"]) col_progress = " {!input!}%.2f%%" % (status["file_progress"][i] * 100)
col_priority = " {!info!}Priority: "
fp = common.FILE_PRIORITY[status["file_priorities"][i]].replace("Priority", "") if status["file_progress"][i] != 1.0: if fp == "Do Not Download": col_priority += "{!error!}" else: col_priority += "{!success!}" else: col_priority += "{!input!}" col_priority += fp
rf = format_utils.remove_formatting tlen = lambda s: strwidth(rf(s))
if not isinstance(col_filename, unicode): col_filename = unicode(col_filename, "utf-8")
col_all_info = col_size + col_progress + col_priority # Check how much space we've got left after writing all the info space_left = cols - tlen(col_all_info) # And how much we will potentially have with the longest possible column maxlen_space_left = cols - tlen(" (1000.0 MiB) 100.00% Priority: Do Not Download") if maxlen_space_left > tlen(col_filename) + 1: # If there is enough space, pad it all nicely col_all_info = "" col_all_info += " (" spaces_to_add = tlen(" (1000.0 MiB)") - tlen(col_size) col_all_info += " " * spaces_to_add col_all_info += col_size[2:] spaces_to_add = tlen(" 100.00%") - tlen(col_progress) col_all_info += " " * spaces_to_add col_all_info += col_progress spaces_to_add = tlen(" Priority: Do Not Download") - tlen(col_priority) col_all_info += col_priority col_all_info += " " * spaces_to_add # And remember to put it to the left! col_filename = format_utils.pad_string(col_filename, maxlen_space_left - 2, side="right") elif space_left > tlen(col_filename) + 1: # If there is enough space, put the info to the right col_filename = format_utils.pad_string(col_filename, space_left - 2, side="right") else: # And if there is not, shorten the name col_filename = format_utils.trim_string(col_filename, space_left, True) self.console.write(col_filename + col_all_info)
prevpath = filepath
def show_peer_info(self, torrent_id, status): if len(status["peers"]) == 0: self.console.write(" None") else: s = "" for peer in status["peers"]: if peer["seed"]: s += "%sSeed\t{!input!}" % colors.state_color["Seeding"] else: s += "%sPeer\t{!input!}" % colors.state_color["Downloading"]
s += peer["country"] + "\t"
if peer["ip"].count(":") == 1: # IPv4 s += peer["ip"] else: # IPv6 s += "[%s]:%s" % (":".join(peer["ip"].split(":")[:-1]), peer["ip"].split(":")[-1])
c = peer["client"] s += "\t" + c
if len(c) < 16: s += "\t\t" else: s += "\t" s += "%s%s\t%s%s" % ( colors.state_color["Seeding"], common.fspeed(peer["up_speed"]), colors.state_color["Downloading"], common.fspeed(peer["down_speed"])) s += "\n"
def show_info(self, torrent_id, status, verbose=False, detailed=False): """ Writes out the torrents information to the screen.
Format depends on switches given. """ self.console.set_batch_write(True)
if hasattr(self.console, "screen"): cols = self.console.screen.cols else: cols = 80
if verbose or detailed: self.console.write(" ") self.console.write("{!info!}Name: {!input!}%s" % (status["name"])) self.console.write("{!info!}ID: {!input!}%s" % (torrent_id)) s = "{!info!}State: %s%s" % (colors.state_color[status["state"]], status["state"]) # Only show speed if active if status["state"] in ("Seeding", "Downloading"): if status["state"] != "Seeding": s += " {!info!}Down Speed: {!input!}%s" % common.fspeed(status["download_payload_rate"]) s += " {!info!}Up Speed: {!input!}%s" % common.fspeed(status["upload_payload_rate"])
if common.ftime(status["eta"]): s += " {!info!}ETA: {!input!}%s" % common.ftime(status["eta"])
if status["state"] in ("Seeding", "Downloading", "Queued"): s = "{!info!}Seeds: {!input!}%s (%s)" % (status["num_seeds"], status["total_seeds"]) s += " {!info!}Peers: {!input!}%s (%s)" % (status["num_peers"], status["total_peers"]) s += " {!info!}Availability: {!input!}%.2f" % status["distributed_copies"] self.console.write(s)
total_done = common.fsize(status["total_done"]) total_size = common.fsize(status["total_size"]) if total_done == total_size: s = "{!info!}Size: {!input!}%s" % (total_size) else: s = "{!info!}Size: {!input!}%s/%s" % (total_done, total_size) s += " {!info!}Ratio: {!input!}%.3f" % status["ratio"] s += " {!info!}Uploaded: {!input!}%s" % common.fsize(status["ratio"] * status["total_done"]) self.console.write(s)
s = "{!info!}Seed time: {!input!}%s" % format_time(status["seeding_time"]) s += " {!info!}Active: {!input!}%s" % format_time(status["active_time"]) self.console.write(s)
s = "{!info!}Tracker: {!input!}%s" % status["tracker_host"] self.console.write(s)
self.console.write("{!info!}Tracker status: {!input!}%s" % status["tracker_status"])
if not status["is_finished"]: pbar = format_progressbar(status["progress"], cols - (13 + len("%.2f%%" % status["progress"]))) s = "{!info!}Progress: {!input!}%.2f%% %s" % (status["progress"], pbar) self.console.write(s)
s = "{!info!}Download Folder: {!input!}%s" % status["download_location"] self.console.write(s)
if detailed: self.console.write("{!info!}Files in torrent") self.show_file_info(torrent_id, status) self.console.write("{!info!}Connected peers") self.show_peer_info(torrent_id, status) else: self.console.write(" ") up_color = colors.state_color["Seeding"] down_color = colors.state_color["Downloading"]
s = "%s%s" % (colors.state_color[status["state"]], "[" + status["state"][0] + "]")
s += " {!info!}" + ("%.2f%%" % status["progress"]).ljust(7, " ") s += " {!input!}%s" % (status["name"])
# Shorten the ID if it's necessary. Pretty hacky # I _REALLY_ should make a nice function for it that can partition and shorten stuff space_left = cols - strwidth("[s] 100.00% " + status["name"] + " " * 3) - 2
if space_left >= len(torrent_id) - 2: # There's enough space, print it s += " {!cyan!}%s" % torrent_id else: # Shorten the ID a = int(space_left * 2 / 3.0) b = space_left - a if a < 8: b = b - (8 - a) a = 8 if b < 0: a += b b = 0 if a > 8: # Print the shortened ID s += " {!cyan!}%s" % (torrent_id[0:a] + ".." + torrent_id[-b - 1:-1]) else: # It has wrapped over to the second row anyway s += " {!cyan!}%s" % torrent_id self.console.write(s)
dl_info = "{!info!}DL: {!input!}" dl_info += "%s" % common.fsize(status["total_done"]) if status["total_done"] != status["total_size"]: dl_info += "/%s" % common.fsize(status["total_size"]) if status["download_payload_rate"] > 0: dl_info += " @ %s%s" % (down_color, common.fspeed(status["download_payload_rate"]))
ul_info = " {!info!}UL: {!input!}" ul_info += "%s" % common.fsize(status["ratio"] * status["total_done"]) if status["upload_payload_rate"] > 0: ul_info += " @ %s%s" % (up_color, common.fspeed(status["upload_payload_rate"]))
eta = "" if common.ftime(status["eta"]): eta = " {!info!}ETA: {!magenta!}%s" % common.ftime(status["eta"])
self.console.write(" " + dl_info + ul_info + eta) self.console.set_batch_write(False)
def complete(self, line): # We use the ConsoleUI torrent tab complete method return component.get("ConsoleUI").tab_complete_torrent(line) |