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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Copyright (C) 2009 Andrew Resch <> # # This file is part of Deluge and is licensed under GNU General Public License 3.0, or later, with # the additional special exception to link portions of this program with the OpenSSL library. # See LICENSE for more details. #
from deluge.ui.console.modes import format_utils
try: import curses except ImportError: pass
# {(fg, bg): pair_number, ...} color_pairs = { ("white", "black"): 0 # Special case, can't be changed }
# Some default color schemes schemes = { "input": ("white", "black"), "normal": ("white", "black"), "status": ("yellow", "blue", "bold"), "info": ("white", "black", "bold"), "error": ("red", "black", "bold"), "success": ("green", "black", "bold"), "event": ("magenta", "black", "bold"), "selected": ("black", "white", "bold"), "marked": ("white", "blue", "bold"), "selectedmarked": ("blue", "white", "bold"), "header": ("green", "black", "bold"), "filterstatus": ("green", "blue", "bold") }
# Colors for various torrent states state_color = { "Seeding": "{!blue,black,bold!}", "Downloading": "{!green,black,bold!}", "Paused": "{!white,black!}", "Checking": "{!green,black!}", "Queued": "{!yellow,black!}", "Error": "{!red,black,bold!}", "Moving": "{!green,black,bold}" }
type_color = { bool: "{!yellow,black,bold!}", int: "{!green,black,bold!}", float: "{!green,black,bold!}", str: "{!cyan,black,bold!}", list: "{!magenta,black,bold!}", dict: "{!white,black,bold!}" }
def init_colors(): # Create the color_pairs dict counter = 1 for fg in colors: for bg in colors: if fg == "COLOR_WHITE" and bg == "COLOR_BLACK": continue color_pairs[(fg[6:].lower(), bg[6:].lower())] = counter curses.init_pair(counter, getattr(curses, fg), getattr(curses, bg)) counter += 1
# try to redefine white/black as it makes underlining work for some terminals # but can also fail on others, so we try/except try: curses.init_pair(counter, curses.COLOR_WHITE, curses.COLOR_BLACK) color_pairs[("white", "black")] = counter except: pass
class BadColorString(Exception): pass
def replace_tabs(line): """ Returns a string with tabs replaced with spaces.
""" for i in range(line.count("\t")): tab_length = 8 - (len(line[:line.find("\t")]) % 8) line = line.replace("\t", " " * tab_length, 1) return line
def strip_colors(line): """ Returns a string with the color formatting removed.
""" # Remove all the color tags while line.find("{!") != -1: line = line[:line.find("{!")] + line[line.find("!}") + 2:]
return line
def get_line_length(line, encoding="UTF-8"): """ Returns the string length without the color formatting.
""" if line.count("{!") != line.count("!}"): raise BadColorString("Number of {! is not equal to number of !}")
if isinstance(line, unicode): line = line.encode(encoding, "replace")
# Remove all the color tags line = strip_colors(line)
# Replace tabs with the appropriate amount of spaces line = replace_tabs(line) return len(line)
def get_line_width(line, encoding="UTF-8"): """ Get width of string considering double width characters
""" if line.count("{!") != line.count("!}"): raise BadColorString("Number of {! is not equal to number of !}")
if isinstance(line, unicode): line = line.encode(encoding, "replace")
# Remove all the color tags line = strip_colors(line)
# Replace tabs with the appropriate amount of spaces line = replace_tabs(line) return format_utils.strwidth(line)
def parse_color_string(s, encoding="UTF-8"): """ Parses a string and returns a list of 2-tuples (color, string).
:param s:, string to parse :param encoding: the encoding to use on output
""" if s.count("{!") != s.count("!}"): raise BadColorString("Number of {! is not equal to number of !}")
if isinstance(s, unicode): s = s.encode(encoding, "replace")
ret = [] # Keep track of where the strings while s.find("{!") != -1: begin = s.find("{!") if begin > 0: ret.append((curses.color_pair(color_pairs[(schemes["input"][0], schemes["input"][1])]), s[:begin]))
end = s.find("!}") if end == -1: raise BadColorString("Missing closing '!}'")
# Get a list of attributes in the bracketed section attrs = s[begin + 2:end].split(",")
if len(attrs) == 1 and not attrs[0].strip(" "): raise BadColorString("No description in {! !}")
def apply_attrs(cp, a): # This function applies any additional attributes as necessary if len(a) > 2: for attr in a[2:]: cp |= getattr(curses, "A_" + attr.upper()) return cp
# Check for a builtin type first if attrs[0] in schemes: # Get the color pair number color_pair = curses.color_pair(color_pairs[(schemes[attrs[0]][0], schemes[attrs[0]][1])]) color_pair = apply_attrs(color_pair, schemes[attrs[0]])
else: # This is a custom color scheme fg = attrs[0] if len(attrs) > 1: bg = attrs[1] else: # Default to 'black' if no bg is chosen bg = "black"
try: color_pair = curses.color_pair(color_pairs[(fg, bg)]) except KeyError: raise BadColorString("Bad color value in tag: %s,%s" % (fg, bg))
# Check for additional attributes and OR them to the color_pair color_pair = apply_attrs(color_pair, attrs)
# We need to find the text now, so lets try to find another {! and if # there isn't one, then it's the rest of the string next_begin = s.find("{!", end)
if next_begin == -1: ret.append((color_pair, replace_tabs(s[end + 2:]))) break else: ret.append((color_pair, replace_tabs(s[end + 2:next_begin]))) s = s[next_begin:]
if not ret: # There was no color scheme so we add it with a 0 for white on black ret = [(0, s)] return ret |