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#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Copyright 2008 Bryan Davis <> # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. # # $Id$ """Alternate PIL plugin for dealing with Microsoft .ico files. Handles XOR transparency masks, XP style 8bit alpha channels and Vista style PNG image parts.
>>> import PIL.Image >>> import Win32IconImagePlugin >>> ico ="down.ico") >>> print['sizes'] set([(16, 16), (48, 48), (256, 256), (32, 32)]) >>> ico.size = (16, 16) >>>
This implementation builds on several samples that I found around the net. Karsten Hiddemann posted a hint on Image-SIG_ that got me started on this. Some time later I found a `django snippet`_ by *dc* that I borrowed the ``struct.unpack`` syntax from. I also spent a lot of time looking at the IcoImagePlugin, BmpImagePlugin, PngImagePlugin and other files from PIL.
Icon format references: * *
Example icon to test with `down.ico`_
.. _Image-SIG: .. _django snippet: .. _down.ico: """
import logging import struct
import PIL.BmpImagePlugin import PIL.Image import PIL.ImageChops import PIL.ImageFile import PIL.PngImagePlugin
_MAGIC = '\0\0\1\0' log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class Win32IcoFile(object): """Decoder for Microsoft .ico files."""
def __init__(self, buf): """ Args: buf: file-like object containing ico file data """ self.buf = buf self.entry = []
header = struct.unpack('<3H', if (0, 1) != header[:2]: raise SyntaxError('not an ico file')
self.nb_items = header[2]
dir_fields = ('width', 'height', 'nb_color', 'reserved', 'planes', 'bpp', 'size', 'offset') for i in xrange(self.nb_items): directory = list(struct.unpack('<4B2H2I', for j in xrange(3): if not directory[j]: directory[j] = 256 icon_header = dict(zip(dir_fields, directory)) icon_header['color_depth'] = (icon_header['bpp'] or (icon_header['nb_color'] == 16 and 4)) icon_header['dim'] = (icon_header['width'], icon_header['height']) self.entry.append(icon_header) # end for (read headers)
# order by size and color depth self.entry.sort(lambda x, y: cmp(x['width'], y['width']) or cmp(x['color_depth'], y['color_depth'])) self.entry.reverse()
def sizes(self): """Get a list of all available icon sizes and color depths.""" return set((h['width'], h['height']) for h in self.entry)
def get_image(self, size, bpp=False): """Get an image from the icon
Args: size: tuple of (width, height) bpp: color depth """ for i in range(self.nb_items): h = self.entry[i] if size == h['dim'] and (bpp is False or bpp == h['color_depth']): return self.frame(i)
return self.frame(0)
def frame(self, idx): """ Get the icon from frame idx
Args: idx: Frame index
Returns: PIL.Image """ header = self.entry[idx]['offset']) data =['offset']) if data[:8] == PIL.PngImagePlugin._MAGIC: # png frame im = PIL.PngImagePlugin.PngImageFile(self.buf)
else: # XOR + AND mask bmp frame im = PIL.BmpImagePlugin.DibImageFile(self.buf) log.debug("Loaded image: %s %s %s %s", im.format, im.mode, im.size,
# change tile dimension to only encompass XOR image im.size = im.size[0], im.size[1] / 2 d, e, o, a = im.tile[0] im.tile[0] = d, (0, 0) + im.size, o, a
# figure out where AND mask image starts mode = a[0] bpp = 8 for k in PIL.BmpImagePlugin.BIT2MODE.keys(): if mode == PIL.BmpImagePlugin.BIT2MODE[k][1]: bpp = k break # end for log.debug("o:%s, w:%s, h:%s, bpp:%s", o, im.size[0], im.size[1], bpp) and_mask_offset = o + (im.size[0] * im.size[1] * (bpp / 8.0))
if 32 == bpp: # 32-bit color depth icon image allows semitransparent areas # PIL's DIB format ignores transparency bits, recover them # The DIB is packed in BGRX byte order where X is the alpha channel
# Back up to start of bmp data # extract every 4th byte (eg. 3,7,11,15,...) alpha_bytes =[0] * im.size[1] * 4)[3::4]
# convert to an 8bpp grayscale image mask = PIL.Image.frombuffer( 'L', # 8bpp im.size, # (w, h) alpha_bytes, # source chars 'raw', # raw decoder ('L', 0, -1) # 8bpp inverted, unpadded, reversed )
# apply mask image as alpha channel im = im.convert('RGBA') im.putalpha(mask) log.debug("image mode: %s", im.mode)
else: # get AND image from end of bitmap w = im.size[0] if (w % 32) > 0: # bitmap row data is aligned to word boundaries w += 32 - (im.size[0] % 32) # the total mask data is padded row size * height / bits per char total_bytes = long((w * im.size[1]) / 8) log.debug("tot=%d, off=%d, w=%d, size=%d", len(data), and_mask_offset, w, total_bytes) mask_data =
# convert raw data to image mask = PIL.Image.frombuffer( '1', # 1 bpp im.size, # (w, h) mask_data, # source chars 'raw', # raw decoder ('1;I', int(w / 8), -1) # 1bpp inverted, padded, reversed )
# now we have two images, im is XOR image and mask is AND image # set mask as alpha channel im = im.convert('RGBA') im.putalpha(mask) log.debug("image mode: %s", im.mode) # end if !'RGBA' # end if (png)/else(bmp)
return im # end frame
def __repr__(self): s = 'Microsoft Icon: %d images (max %dx%d %dbpp)' % ( len(self.entry), self.entry[0]['width'], self.entry[0]['height'], self.entry[0]['bpp']) return s # end Win32IcoFile
class Win32IconImageFile (PIL.ImageFile.ImageFile): """ PIL read-only image support for Microsoft .ico files.
By default the largest resolution image in the file will be loaded. This can be changed by altering the 'size' attribute before calling 'load'.
The info dictionary has a key 'sizes' that is a list of the sizes available in the icon file.
Handles classic, XP and Vista icon formats. """
format = 'ICO' format_description = 'Microsoft icon'
def _open(self): self.ico = Win32IcoFile(self.fp)['sizes'] = self.ico.sizes() self.size = self.ico.entry[0]['dim'] self.load()
def load(self): im = self.ico.get_image(self.size) # if tile is PNG, it won't really be loaded yet im.load() = self.mode = im.mode self.size = im.size # end class Win32IconImageFile
def _accept(prefix): """ Quick file test helper for """ return prefix[:4] == _MAGIC # end _accept
# register our decoder with PIL PIL.Image.register_open(Win32IconImageFile.format, Win32IconImageFile, _accept) PIL.Image.register_extension(Win32IconImageFile.format, ".ico") |