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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Original file from BitTorrent-5.3-GPL.tar.gz # Copyright (C) Bram Cohen # # Modifications for use in Deluge: # Copyright (C) 2007 Andrew Resch <> # # This file is part of Deluge and is licensed under GNU General Public License 3.0, or later, with # the additional special exception to link portions of this program with the OpenSSL library. # See LICENSE for more details. #
import logging import os.path import sys import time from hashlib import sha1 as sha
import deluge.component as component from deluge.bencode import bencode from deluge.event import CreateTorrentProgressEvent
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
ignore = ['core', 'CVS', 'Thumbs.db', 'desktop.ini']
noncharacter_translate = {} for i in xrange(0xD800, 0xE000): noncharacter_translate[i] = ord('-') for i in xrange(0xFDD0, 0xFDF0): noncharacter_translate[i] = ord('-') for i in (0xFFFE, 0xFFFF): noncharacter_translate[i] = ord('-')
def gmtime(): return time.mktime(time.gmtime())
def get_filesystem_encoding(): return sys.getfilesystemencoding()
def decode_from_filesystem(path): encoding = get_filesystem_encoding() if encoding is None: assert isinstance(path, unicode), "Path should be unicode not %s" % type(path) decoded_path = path else: assert isinstance(path, str), "Path should be str not %s" % type(path) decoded_path = path.decode(encoding)
return decoded_path
def dummy(*v): pass
class RemoteFileProgress(object): def __init__(self, session_id): self.session_id = session_id
def __call__(self, piece_count, num_pieces): component.get("RPCServer").emit_event_for_session_id( self.session_id, CreateTorrentProgressEvent(piece_count, num_pieces) )
def make_meta_file(path, url, piece_length, progress=None, title=None, comment=None, safe=None, content_type=None, target=None, webseeds=None, name=None, private=False, created_by=None, trackers=None): data = {'creation date': int(gmtime())} if url: data['announce'] = url.strip() a, b = os.path.split(path) if not target: if b == '': f = a + '.torrent' else: f = os.path.join(a, b + '.torrent') else: f = target
if progress is None: session_id = component.get("RPCServer").get_session_id() if not session_id: progress = dummy else: progress = RemoteFileProgress(component.get("RPCServer").get_session_id())
info = makeinfo(path, piece_length, progress, name, content_type, private)
# check_info(info) h = file(f, 'wb')
data['info'] = info if title: data['title'] = title.encode("utf8") if comment: data['comment'] = comment.encode("utf8") if safe: data['safe'] = safe.encode("utf8")
httpseeds = [] url_list = []
if webseeds: for webseed in webseeds: if webseed.endswith(".php"): httpseeds.append(webseed) else: url_list.append(webseed)
if url_list: data['url-list'] = url_list if httpseeds: data['httpseeds'] = httpseeds if created_by: data['created by'] = created_by.encode("utf8")
if trackers and (len(trackers[0]) > 1 or len(trackers) > 1): data['announce-list'] = trackers
data["encoding"] = "UTF-8"
h.write(bencode(data)) h.close()
def calcsize(path): total = 0 for s in subfiles(os.path.abspath(path)): total += os.path.getsize(s[1]) return total
def makeinfo(path, piece_length, progress, name=None, content_type=None, private=False): # HEREDAVE. If path is directory, how do we assign content type? def to_utf8(name): if isinstance(name, unicode): u = name else: try: u = decode_from_filesystem(name) except Exception: raise Exception('Could not convert file/directory name %r to ' 'Unicode. Either the assumed filesystem ' 'encoding "%s" is wrong or the filename contains ' 'illegal bytes.' % (name, get_filesystem_encoding()))
if u.translate(noncharacter_translate) != u: raise Exception('File/directory name "%s" contains reserved ' 'unicode values that do not correspond to ' 'characters.' % name) return u.encode('utf-8') path = os.path.abspath(path) piece_count = 0 if os.path.isdir(path): subs = subfiles(path) subs.sort() pieces = [] sh = sha() done = 0 fs = [] totalsize = 0.0 totalhashed = 0 for p, f in subs: totalsize += os.path.getsize(f) if totalsize >= piece_length: import math num_pieces = math.ceil(float(totalsize) / float(piece_length)) else: num_pieces = 1
for p, f in subs: pos = 0 size = os.path.getsize(f) p2 = [to_utf8(n) for n in p] if content_type: fs.append({'length': size, 'path': p2, 'content_type': content_type}) # HEREDAVE. bad for batch! else: fs.append({'length': size, 'path': p2}) h = file(f, 'rb') while pos < size: a = min(size - pos, piece_length - done) sh.update( done += a pos += a totalhashed += a
if done == piece_length: pieces.append(sh.digest()) piece_count += 1 done = 0 sh = sha() progress(piece_count, num_pieces) h.close() if done > 0: pieces.append(sh.digest()) piece_count += 1 progress(piece_count, num_pieces)
if name is not None: assert isinstance(name, unicode) name = to_utf8(name) else: name = to_utf8(os.path.split(path)[1])
return {'pieces': ''.join(pieces), 'piece length': piece_length, 'files': fs, 'name': name, 'private': private} else: size = os.path.getsize(path) if size >= piece_length: num_pieces = size / piece_length else: num_pieces = 1
pieces = [] p = 0 h = file(path, 'rb') while p < size: x =, size - p)) pieces.append(sha(x).digest()) piece_count += 1 p += piece_length if p > size: p = size progress(piece_count, num_pieces) h.close() if content_type is not None: return {'pieces': ''.join(pieces), 'piece length': piece_length, 'length': size, 'name': to_utf8(os.path.split(path)[1]), 'content_type': content_type, 'private': private} return {'pieces': ''.join(pieces), 'piece length': piece_length, 'length': size, 'name': to_utf8(os.path.split(path)[1]), 'private': private}
def subfiles(d): r = [] stack = [([], d)] while stack: p, n = stack.pop() if os.path.isdir(n): for s in os.listdir(n): if s not in ignore and not s.startswith('.'): stack.append((p + [s], os.path.join(n, s))) else: r.append((p, n)) return r |